Saturday, January 2, 2016

“My Spin on a prenuptial”

Women this is 2016!  If you are asked to sign a prenuptial, you should not sign away your rights and accept his demands before your read it thoroughly.
If you are blindly in love, and the prenuptial is no big thing to you, sign it then do not cry over spilled milk, when the shit hits the fan.
If I am getting married and I am asked to sign a prenuptial:-
1. I will not be bullied into signing away my rights. (Being bullied is when he takes you to his lawyer’s office and they brandish you with the prenuptial, or you are home with him and he hands it to you, or one of his relatives comes to your abode and speaks to you in a subtle yet firm way suggesting that you sign it.)
2. I will make 2 copies of his prenuptial. One is for my lawyer and the other copy is for me to read so that I can highlight the things I disagree with.
3. After reading and comparing notes with my lawyer. I am going to prepare my prenuptial for him to sign.
4. One clause in my prenuptial; If he cheats, I get a quick divorce and a huge settlement.
5. We have to sit down together with our lawyers for the final agreement then signatures.
6. I am not going to sign his prenuptial if he is not going to sign my prenuptial.
7. No signatures no wedding.
After the break-up, I will cry for how long the tears flow then I am going to live my life and enjoy it too.
A wonderful safe day to you.

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