Friday, January 8, 2016

I heard some prison officers at Rikers Island were attacked by inmates. I wander who or what caused this situation but something did and I pray that the truth will prevail. Do you remember Kalief Browder?

This is so heartbreaking. It takes a village and we have to be there for our children. LORD, have mercy. Our children are falling through the cracks. They are the cash register for the system.
At 16, Kalief Browder, was arrested for allegedly stealing a backpack. He was in prison at Rikers Island for 3 years awaiting trial. (Why? He is black and the law is different for N). If he had pleaded guilty for stealing the backpack, he would have been released. He refused, always saying that he did not take the backpack. He was viciously abused by prison guards and prisoners. He tried to commit suicide, and he spent more than 400 days in solitary confinement. In 2013 his case was dismissed. On Saturday Kalief killed himself.
I don’t know this child but my heart breaks for him and his family. My LORD and my God, have mercy on Kalief’s soul. I pray that his journey home is safe and trouble free…
I wonder if the lawmaker, the organization for maintaining law and the people enforcing correct behavior, does sleep peacefully after all the injustice done to law abiding citizens…

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