Thursday, January 21, 2016

A wonderful safe day to you and yours and remember, Let your foot be seldom in your neighbor’s house. He will become weary of you and hate you. Prov. 25:17

Your Beliefs Are Yours and I have no misgivings with that. I have a problem when you try to demand that I make it my own. People who know me well know that I was christened in the Roman Catholic Church, Point Fortin, Trinidad and Tobago. I attended church every Sunday morning and Sunday school at 2 O’clock every Sunday evening. I made First Communion then Confirmation so I am a staunch Catholic. Do not think because I am a Catholic, I do not read the bible. The first time I read it, it took me one year and six months. I started from Genesis and I ended with Revelation. I could tell you how much of our daily life style is in that book, but my discussion about the bible is with me and my family. We need to edify each other about our beliefs in God —AND THAT IS THAT!
At times when people start to talk to me about religious beliefs, I listen attentively and then I say, “Thank you for sharing your views. I will think about it.” When they walk away, I always say, “I really would like to see how holy and worthy you are to God, when no one is looking. I wish I was a fly on the wall in your home to see your actions…”

I respect your belief! Have some damn respect for mine! If you have a problem with me, FB made it easy… Put your mouse on un-friend and press click!

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