Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Twenty six years ago our friend Leroy (now deceased) insisted that we meet.
On the first day of January 1990, (a bitterly cold day) Leroy took me and two friends to Harold’s home. When we arrived I was introduced to him and his mother. Although he had a serious demeanor, he was very funny. I met Harold again on January 13, 1990… his and his mother’s birthday. He was very pleasant to me, but his mother showed me how much she did not like me.
One of my friends even said to me that he doesn’t suit me.”
I said, “What!?”
“Can’t you see what is wrong? He is an overweight, bald headed man with a punch?” She said. Years later she said, “I am sorry for saying what I said about Harold. He is a real nice guy. Does he have a brother?”
Harold’s neat, clean, kind and intelligent ways stood out and to top it off he made me laugh. It is a good feeling when someone can make you laugh. When they do it every day as if it is a normal thing to do then that is EPIC!

Happy Birthday to my husband, I hope he lives to see many more. I love him so much.

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