Saturday, September 26, 2015

“On a personal note”

My family knows me. I hate lies and I always tell them ‘It doesn’t pay to lie’. I will excuse a lie from a child, but from an adult … that is another story. The first time I heard an adult lie I was floored. I stood staring at this woman with my mouth open. To top it off she was telling my mother a lie about me.
During breakfast Paul said, “Mom you always said that it doesn’t pay to lie, but it really does pay. It just doesn’t pay in your favor.”
“Why do you say that?”
“I liked one of the girls who used to hang out with us in junior high school and I was getting set to talk to her. The guys in the group were talking about their girlfriends and who was getting it on. One of them said, “Paul you aren’t saying anything; do you have a girlfriend?” I said yes just to be cool, and I started to describe a girl. They were all impressed. As everyone got off at their different train stops, She and I ended up alone and she said, ‘Paul I really like you, but you have a girlfriend and the way you talk about her, you seem to be really into her…”
Breakfast ended with hysterics.

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