Friday, September 11, 2015

Confusion, lies, deceit, bigotry and jealousy over Trinbago…

They did not win the popular votes, yet they say that they did.
They were told that the time was extended for voting, yet they say that they were not informed.
Liars believe that they would get away with the lie because somebody will believe it. There are many gullible people out there and that is life.
There is a thin line between love and hate. There is a thin line between sanity and insanity, mental illness, lunacy, psychosis which ever word you choose to use it is madness!  LORD, have mercy.
I am giving them 9 days to trash talk and try to override the Prime Minister then the BLAME GAME IS GOING TO START BETWEEN THEM. God don’t like ugly and he really doesn’t care for pretty… 

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