Wednesday, September 30, 2015

To be in it, is to know it. A sad, sad situation.

I pray for the Bronx, NY mother who threw her new born baby out of the window. The baby died and the mother was arrested. I hope she gets the mental health that she needs and not sent to prison.
Pregnancy can be a traumatic event in a woman’s life. Your hormones are going crazy; secreting different chemicals to the brain and lots of unholy thoughts floods your mind. If you do not have the father’s support; it is anguishing. Un-supportive relatives and friends add to the hurt and women suffer in silence. I have had my share from relatives and friends. One thing I can say God was with me on those dark days. The Our Father pray was my prayer every minute of the day. The strength and courage I got from it have me and my family enjoying life today.
I pray for all the mothers who are feeling all alone and distress. Give them the strength and the courage to face the days ahead.

God of Mercy and Compassion, Look with pity upon me. Father let me call thee Father tis thy child return to thee. Jesus LORD, I ask for mercy; Let me not implore in vain; All my sins, I now detest them, never will I sin again…

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

The road we used to set off on our journey was our choice and we have been on our journey since birth. Lover – hater. Pacemakers – fighter. Loud – quiet. Kind – malevolent. Nice – vulgar.

I do not like malevolent people… You know those people who are malicious, spiteful, wicked, nasty just mean humans. Although I do not like them I believe we were all born with good and bad attributes. As the old folks in Trinbago used to say, “Good and bad does live in de same house.” 

Monday, September 28, 2015

They suck out your gift … your talent... your drive to fulfill your dreams.

In a convincing voice some people (friend, family acquaintance etc.,) say; It doesn’t make sense that you want to do that! It would be a waste of time! It is not a good idea! You should do it this way! You should do it that way! They give you a list of things you should do before you do it!
After all is said and done, you feel weary and you no longer have the energy …the drive to do it. Your dreams and aspirations were sucked out of you.
Do not let that energy sucking vampires suck out your dream. Stay focused! Stay on track!

Good morning to all. I had a wonderful weekend. I hope you did as well. Remember who calms your fears. I hope today is a better day for you than yesterday.

Saturday, September 26, 2015

What if, you does beat, your wife, husband, girlfriend or boyfriend and one day as you raised your hand, to beat him or her it stayed up?
Lots of men and women would be walking around with their hand in the air… oui.

When you are in a position and you have do not laugh at anyone who doesn’t have… Enjoy your day and be safe…

“On a personal note”

My family knows me. I hate lies and I always tell them ‘It doesn’t pay to lie’. I will excuse a lie from a child, but from an adult … that is another story. The first time I heard an adult lie I was floored. I stood staring at this woman with my mouth open. To top it off she was telling my mother a lie about me.
During breakfast Paul said, “Mom you always said that it doesn’t pay to lie, but it really does pay. It just doesn’t pay in your favor.”
“Why do you say that?”
“I liked one of the girls who used to hang out with us in junior high school and I was getting set to talk to her. The guys in the group were talking about their girlfriends and who was getting it on. One of them said, “Paul you aren’t saying anything; do you have a girlfriend?” I said yes just to be cool, and I started to describe a girl. They were all impressed. As everyone got off at their different train stops, She and I ended up alone and she said, ‘Paul I really like you, but you have a girlfriend and the way you talk about her, you seem to be really into her…”
Breakfast ended with hysterics.

Friday, September 25, 2015

John Boehner US Speaker of the House got very emotional when he met the Pope and by his address.
Let us remember the golden rule “Do unto others as you would like them do onto you.” Pope Francis said in his address to the US Congress yesterday.
BREAKING NEWS! John Boehner is resigning as US Speaker of the House.

A guilty conscience does not need an accuser.

Thursday, September 24, 2015

“On a personal note.”

Leroy was the kind of friend who never called before he visited, but he was welcomed. One day before his passing he came over to visit with some of his friends. One of the women in the group had a toddler with her. While I was setting the dining table she told me that she needs to go to the fruit and vegetable market. She wants to buy eggs and potato.
The mother that I am knows that most West Indian mothers feed their toddlers mashed potatoes with boil eggs so I asked, “Is it to take home?”
“No. I have at home, but I want to make mashed potato and a boil egg for my daughter.”
“When you were out with Leroy, what did he say to you all?”
“He said that we are going by Ali, he wants to get something to eat. I thought he meant Ali’s Roti Shop. When we got here, I heard you were being called Ali then I realized that Ali was you.”
“It is me. I know your baby cannot eat peas and rice and the rest of the food that I cooked. I have eggs and potatoes.”
I handed her an egg and a potato. After she put them to boil she took $5 out of her wallet and she stretched out her hand to me. “Thanks Ali. This is for you,” She said.
I stood there looking at the money in her hand then I said, “What is that for?”
“The egg and the potato,” She said.
Now when you insult me you have to be prepared for my mouth but before I started on her I said, “Harold (my husband) and he said, “Yeah Ali.” This young lady is paying me $5 for the egg and the potato.”
“What!” He said.
Leroy said, “No! no! Don’t do that! Ali go cuss oui!” and he started to laugh.
I smiled and I shook my head…

As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he. Prov. 23:7

Monday, September 21, 2015

“Quotes To Think About”

What is new in the world? Nothing. What is old in the world? Nothing. Everything has always been and will always be.Sai Baba (1926-2011)

Taking the first step with a good thought, the second with a good word and the third with a good deed, I entered Paradise. — Zoroaster (628BC-551BC)

What matters is to live in the present, live now, for every moment is now. It is your thoughts and acts of the moment that create your future. The outline of your future path already exists, for you created its pattern by your past.Sai Baba (1926-2011)

Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time. Thomas A. Edison (1847-1931)

Sunday, September 20, 2015

It is so easy to be kind and loving, but some of just love to be hurtful.

God made it perfect. Man takes away perfection…
“God bless you!” …
“But the devil won’t forget you. You too wicked!”

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Life is a song - sing it. Life is a game - play it. Life is a challenge - meet it. Life is a dream - realize it. Life is a sacrifice - offer it. Life is love - enjoy it.Sai Baba (1926-2011)

Some people are a special kind of evil. Sometimes I wish that there is a capsule that you can put them in and send their ass to the sun.

Friday, September 18, 2015

Guns, Guns, Guns.

Paul is job hunting and a phone call just came in for him. The man sounded very important so I quickly gave him the phone. He took it and I walked back to my bedroom. Paul came into my bedroom a few minutes later and put the phone on speaker.
The caller; “They want to take away your second amendments rights Paul…”
“Who is that?” I asked.
“The NRA talking about guns and shit,” Paul said.
“What the ass are they doing call you for? They always ready to shoot a Blackman! A Blackman don’t have any rights to keep and bear Arms! Hang up that fucking phone,” I said pissed.
Paul started to laugh and he said, “I don’t know why the ass they calling me and shit. I never showed any interest in guns. The freaking man talking to me as though we are on first name basis… ‘Paul, they are coming for your guns,’ I do not have any guns; the man was acting as though he gave me guns.” Hysterical…

This made my day.

Did you know that Donald Trump’s name is “FuckFace Von ClownStick?” Jon Stewart says so. 

Thursday, September 17, 2015

You only have to say it once then let it go.

When someone keeps repeating the same thing to you, it becomes annoying and you wish they would shut up. I know that is how annoying it probably sounds to God so; PRAY for what you want! BELIEVE! Let it go! Now watch God work!
A wonderful safe day to you.

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

The concept, idea, notion, thought, perception, impression and the theory of a black man has been tarnished so badly that I believe my father, a black man when he said, “You cannot recover from a lie.” Lies about the Blackman and who he is, are a dime a dozen and it sticks like everlasting glue.
I believe that humans are humans and some of us are kind, loving respectable, narcissistic, lunatics, cheaters, liars, thieve or murderer and that has nothing to do with race. It is the mindset of some humans.
All the unkind and unholy labels are attached to the black man by all races … some more than others but the hurtful thing is that some of us black people do it to each other.
I believe that judgment day will be hell for some of us oui.

Saturday, September 12, 2015

I heard some people say that Prime Minister Dr. Keith Rowley is black and ugly and he should not be prime minister. That statement took me back to a story I heard.
One day a man in drab clothes was standing outside a store. He was not bothering anyone. The store owner —a very insulting kind of man, said to the poor man, “Why the hell, don’t you move your ugly ass from here!?” The poor man looked at him and said, “Son you calling me ugly? God did not make anybody ugly, but when your heart is ugly, then you see people as ugly.
To all the people who see another person ugly… Your heart is ugly.

Please like and share. This is my niece Genieve and she is trying to get it aired on the radio. Thanks a bunch.

“The Kingdom of God is inside you and all around you. Not in a mansion of wood and stone. Split a piece of wood and God is there, Lift a stone and you will find God.”— The Gospel of St. Thomas.

God is in you and all around you so if you are a sinner you are being disobedient to God. When some of us do something wrong we say, “The devil made me do it.”
Two masters cannot live in the same house. I never heard that an exorcism was performed to get God out of you. Exorcisms are performed to get the devil out of you.
Remember God is in you so being a sinner doesn’t mean that the devil is in you, it means that you are disobedient to God.
On this beautiful Saturday, Let the words of your mouth and the meditation of your heart be acceptable to God.
A wonderful safe day to you and yours.

Friday, September 11, 2015

“Memories of 9/11/2001” “I remember how upsetting 13 years ago today was.”

I woke up the morning of 9/11/2001 at 5:00AM, feeling good. My husband left for work, my son for school and I was getting my daughter dressed for daycare. The television was on, but I was not looking or listen to it.
My daughter said, “Mommy look, the building burning.”
Fire and black smoke was coming from one of the World Trade Center buildings. It was so surreal that I said, “They are probably filming a movie.” (Oh how I wish that a movie was being filmed on that heartbreaking day and not a real life event.)

I dropped my daughter to daycare, hurried home and sat in front of the television. A plane came on the screen. It was flying towards WTC and I thought that this was a replay of the first plane crash. I gasped in shocked, as the reporter said that this was another plane. I looked through the window and thick black smoke was moving across the sky. The reporter then said that another plane crashed into the Pentagon. This was the third plane that crashed into buildings. I wondered what was going on and my heart was racing. A bitter taste was in my mouth. Fear was embedded deep within me, but I was thinking that man was at it again. He was hell bent on hurting man…

Confusion, lies, deceit, bigotry and jealousy over Trinbago…

They did not win the popular votes, yet they say that they did.
They were told that the time was extended for voting, yet they say that they were not informed.
Liars believe that they would get away with the lie because somebody will believe it. There are many gullible people out there and that is life.
There is a thin line between love and hate. There is a thin line between sanity and insanity, mental illness, lunacy, psychosis which ever word you choose to use it is madness!  LORD, have mercy.
I am giving them 9 days to trash talk and try to override the Prime Minister then the BLAME GAME IS GOING TO START BETWEEN THEM. God don’t like ugly and he really doesn’t care for pretty… 

Thursday, September 10, 2015

The kind of books for children makes me say, “What the… Jesus”, but then most of the stories and nursery rhymes I read as a child were the same. Just ghastly, horrible, horrific, dreadfully and frightening.
“Piggy on the railway picking up stones. Down came an engine and broke Piggy’s bones. “Ah,” said piggy “That’s not fair.”
“Oh said the engine driver, I don’t care.” (Murderer)

My son was 16 when he started reading a book called, Scary Stories More Tales To Chill Your Bones by Alvin Schwartz. He said that it is very creepy especially the illustrations. It was freaking him out so he threw it out. He told me that I bought it for him. I don’t remember, but I probably did because if they ask me for a book, I buy it. Yes my children read horror stories and look at movies, but they know their limits. My son said one day he and 4 of his friends (19yrs) went to the library to do research. He told them about Scary Stories More Tales To Chill Your Bones. They told him that they don’t believe that it would be that horrible and they would read one of the stories. There were copies of the book sitting on a shelf in the children’s section. They all took copies and started reading. He said that none of them finished a story. One of them said the illustrations just adds to the creepiness of it.
This book is still in the juvenile section of the Public Library, but some of the illustrations were changed making the story less creepy…

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

I saw a man yesterday with a CataBoil and I smiled because I was thinking that he probably took back the engagement ring. His cataboil was too big for it to just be an ordinary gift, that he took back.

They talk freely, with confidence as they stand in front of the camera. No hoods. They are experiencing a blissful moment, but they look and sound ignorant. Ignorance is bliss to a fool. Proverb 18:2 —The fool takes no delight in understanding, but rather in displaying what he thinks.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

I find racists are full of shit. They hate blacks always trashing us, but when they get sick and need a body part … heart, kidney, liver etc do they ever say, I do not want it from a black person?

Do not be angry by the racist rants. Be happy that you are seeing the person who is ranting and raving and you are also seeing those who like and support their bigotry.

I was born 4 years after the PNM— People’s National Movement was formed in 1956 by Dr. Eric Williams.
Since I know myself my parents and my siblings were all PNM. One or two of my siblings moved to the left for a moment, but they always returned to the PNM. I am a PNM and that is it. Dr. Eric William’s choose the balisier as the national flag. Many people tried to destroy the balisier as they tried to destroy the PNM. He said that you can cut down the balisier, but rain will fall, wet it and it will spring up again.

I pray for PEACE and Unity in Trinidad and Tobago. It is time to build back the nation.

Monday, September 7, 2015

We forget so quickly.
Who built the SCHOOLS— PNM
We went to school for free from ELEMENTARY SCHOOL; to HIGH SCHOOL; to COLLEGE. Your diploma helped you get a very good job or move on to higher education.
If you were successful in your education, after college, students who wanted to be teachers, started off as monitors or teacher’s assistant then they went to training college. PNM was responsible for this.

Who built the HOSPITALS— PNM
Students who wanted to be nurses started off as nurses assistant or as we called them Pinkies (because they were dressed in pink). Some of them left Trinidad and went abroad (England etc.) to school to continue their medical training.
Many other students were sent to trade schools (Blue color worker schools)They studied plumbing, electrical, carpentry, masonry, welding etc.

Who built the ROADS— PNM
Who brought ELECTRICITY to rural areas—  PNM.
Who build the SEWER SYSTEM— PNM.
PNM was responsible from taking people out of a latrine system of living to a more comfortable way of getting rid of excrement.
My husband said that he went to San Juan RC school. Lock Joint is the company who ran the pipes for the sewer. The police station was near to the school and Lock Joint used to park their tractor opposite the police station. His friends told him that a Cornbeef tin key could start the tractor so he got one. The tractor was big and it was hard to climb up, but he got up, put the key in the ignition and turned it. The tractor rumbled and started. He said he got scared, jumped off and ran.

When the PNM had things in place for a security system, Kamla exposed it all saying that they were spying on Trinbagonians. She dismantled it and many people were happy that she did. Look at the state the country is in now. You have some criminals in jail and they have cell phones etc, Trinbago Criminals don’t care if they go to jail because they are comfortable.

Sunday, September 6, 2015

“Happy Sunday. Why worry, when you can pray; Fear not! Stand your ground and you will see the victory the LORD will win for you today. The LORD himself will fight for you; you have only to keep still. Ex.14:13-14.
Every time that stressful, demanding, taxing, worrying, traumatic, tense and nerve-racking thought flows through your mind say, “NO! Then say, “Our father, Who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name; Thy kingdom come, Thy WILL be done on earth as it is in Heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Amen
Breath deeply then say Amen and Amen to that.

Saturday, September 5, 2015

A long time ago, stores used to cater to their customers. From the moment you walked into a store, you could see the extraordinariness.

When I was growing up, my favorite stores were F. W. Woolworth and Mr. Eddie’s store. My mother used to sew so she would send me to those stores to buy thread, buttons, hook-and-eyes, fasteners, zips etc. One day, she gave me a piece of fabric to get 8 covered buttons and one yellow button with pretty flowers. The button was to see if Mr. Eddie had two buttons like it. They were to replace the missing ones on her blouse.
When I walked into Mr. Eddie’s store, he was not there and I had to call out to him for a few minutes. He eventually came and I told him what I wanted. He took the fabric, emptied some buttons from a box on the counter, told me to look for the buttons, then he went to make the covered buttons.  There was a heap of more than 100 buttons on the counter and I started looking through them, but I did not see any buttons like the yellow button. Mr. Eddie finished covering the buttons then he returned.
“You find buttons?” He asked.
“No,” I said.
He put the buttons back in the box, put it on the shelf, took down another box of buttons, emptied some on the counter, passed his hand through them and he took up two identical yellow buttons like the one I had. I was excited that he found them, but I did not realize that Mr. Eddie knew where the buttons were. He made me look because he wanted me to be occupied, while he covered the other buttons. After I paid him one dollar and change, he gave me a sweetie (Candy) then I left the store. And those were the good old days. It was the best…

Friday, September 4, 2015

I know that goodness, badness, love and hatred are in all of us. It is up to us to choose the road we want to walk on.

I am hearing and seeing some adults try their best to speak convincingly about others. The hatred, untruthful, disgraceful, flow of words that they spill, makes me ask myself, “Are they not ashamed how nauseating they are?” In my 55 years on this earth I have never seen so much vulgarity and maligning. My sister a retired school principal said that she has never met anyone like the people she are seeing and hearing today.

LORD, have mercy on us. The devil is loose.

Thursday, September 3, 2015

When I hit five zero, sugar and I became bitter enemies.

I could tell that I am over sugar when my daughter is eating Oreo cookies and my son eating oatmeal raisins cookies and I ignore them. Yes I really know that the rush is over when I ignore Rough Tops and Keebler Fudge Stripes Original cookies. Sugar is a killer and I am not missing it at all… A wonderful safe day to you.

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

School is back in session.

Sarah was having problems to get registered for her college classes. I was staying out of it because when she was having issues while in High School and taking college classes I would call her professors and they would say, “Ms. Joseph, Sarah has to be able to handle her situations and not have you deal with them. I would hand her the phone and tell her to deal with it, but when she looked at me in wonderment, I used to whisper to her what to say. It worked fine. Yesterday morning I said enough was enough and I called the college. God is so good. A woman answered and she was helpful. I put Sarah on the phone and they spoke for a while then Sarah hung up and she said, “Mom I am heading to the college. She got registered and today is her first class.

A wonderful safe day to you and yours.

Eccl. 37:8-10. “Be on the alert when one proffers advice. Find out first of all what he wants. For he may be thinking of himself alone; why should the profit fall to him? He may tell you how good your way will be, and then stand-by to watch your misfortune. Seek no advice from one who regards you with hostility; from those who envy you, keep your intentions hidden. Amen.

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

You don’t know who will give you a good word to lift your Spirit. You don’t know where your help will come from. Be kind and respectful to all.

One morning many years ago, I woke up feeling down because of an argument the night before. The hurtful words that were said were unfathomable and I walked around dressing for work in a daze. While dressing I looked in the mirror. My eyes and expression had the residue of the night before. I felt and looked awful. When I said that I was leaving for work, no one answered. Instead of saying anything, I left.
Every morning a man used to be sitting in a chair on his porch, with a hot cup of something in his hand. For no reason at all I did not like him, but he used to say, “Good morning. Have a beautiful and safe day. I never answered yet he always gave me a kind word and I used to think that he was a foolish man.
As I walked by that dreadful morning he said, Oh dear, my ray of sunshine. You are wearing black, looking lovely, strength and courage in your footsteps… Good for you.
My heart suddenly felt joy. I smiled and said, “Thank you.”
“You are welcome and have a wonderful safe day.”
“The same to you,” I said and smiled at him. No retort but a smile came from him.
My day was wonderful and that man politeness never ended until he passed on.