Monday, June 9, 2014

“This Morning”

It is dark, cloudy, raining heavily, but I am loving it because there is no thunder and lightning. When my daughter dressed for school, I decided not to say anything about her footwear but as mother I could not shut up so I said, “Are you wearing your boots?
“No I am wearing my high top converse sneakers. I knew that it was the wrong footwear for this day because they are light green and the dirty puddles of water would stain them, but I said, “Okay.”
She put them on then grabbed her bag and left. I sat looking through the window. The rain was pouring. It was just a nice serene feeling to see the leaves on the trees move from the gentle breeze. As the rain hit the window, I whispered, “Lord, let Sarah not go to school with those wet sneakers.” Suddenly I heard, ding~ding~ding~ding. I chuckled because God answered in a flash. When I opened the door she said, “Don’t say anything. I have to put on my boots it is brutal out there. Mom stop smiling, I know you want to say something.”
“Change your socks, you are making footprints on the floor,” I said, but I chuckled. She shook her head, changed her socks, put on her boots and left.

Another day~ Another story... 

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