Is it wrong not to have drinking glasses in your home? Over the
years I would hit Macy’s on sale days and buy drinking glasses. At one point we
had over 100 glasses. You talk about glasses… hmm. Glasses were still in boxes.
I decided that we were going to use the glasses we had and I was not going to
buy anymore drinking glasses for a long, long time. Oh drama~ It has been
years. One morning at breakfast my daughter said, “We only have two glasses.”
“What?” I asked then said, “You are not serious?”
“Mom these two glasses are the only glasses we have.”
I open the cupboard and the space with the drinking glass was
empty so I opened the other side. There were 16 wine glasses standing looking
real elegant in the cupboard so I said, “There are glasses in here.”
“Mom! I am not going to be drinking juice or water in a wine glass.
That is crazy.”
“Oh you segregating,” I said and started to smile.
“What!?” she said.
Her father and brother started to laugh then her brother said,
“What’s the big deal? They are glasses.”
“You shouldn’t say anything because I know you and dad would not
be bothered by this glass situation,” she said.
“You know what? There are two drinking glasses. If you take good
care of them they could last you a real long time,” I said and I was smiling.
“When I go to the Plaza, I am going to buy some glasses!” she
“Why? I think we should use the glasses in the cupboard because
there are about 40 glasses in the closet.”
“Mom you know those are crystals and they are wine glasses.”
“So. Girl drink in style. Life is too short. Enjoy it,” I said.
“Steups,” She sucked her teeth.
Her brother picked up his white enamel cup, that had water in it
and he said, “Cheers.”
His father took up his white enamel cup and they knocked their cups,
drank from it then they started to laugh. It was a hysterical moment. I love the
drama in my home. It is the best…
I hope you have a day filled with fun and excitement~ Be safe and
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