Tuesday, June 24, 2014

“My Opinion”

You can call me old fashion but there are some new trends I am not getting into because of my children. They are in school so I do not write or speak internet slang. The LOL, LMAO, ROTFL, BFN etcetera you are not getting from me. For a long time this shit had me baffled. Every time I saw it I had to ask my children what it meant. When they were not home I used to search it on the internet to get the meaning. One morning at breakfast we had a big conversation about it and my children told us that we need to get with the times. There father said he was to old for that.  I told them do not text me or speak that shit to me, if they want me to respond. Remember if you write how you speak you will fail English. That is my opinion and I am sticking to it.”…

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