Saturday, June 21, 2014

“Hang out at the beach, river and lake, but do not go in. That is what I say to my children.”

Today is the first day of summer an two 13yr old children ---boy and a girl drowned yesterday at different areas. Parents you have to remind your children and keep talking to them about the bodies of water around New York. They call them beaches, but they are not. You don’t have to go in far to be in the deep… Ocean, Rivers and Lakes. Another thing the water is always cold even on hot summer days.
The Atlantic Ocean to the south, Lake Erie and Lake Ontario to the North and Lake Champlain divides Vermont and New York. Those are the bodies of water that is around NY. When you get into the water there are no markers to indicate how deep the water is. Sea, lakes and rivers have no branch...
I pray for the children’s family and friends to get strength and courage to face the days ahead.

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