Friday, June 20, 2014

“On A Hysterical Note”

The line was long in the bank, but I did not mind because after the heat outside cooling down before I hit the streets again was the best thing. Everyone was quietly moving along. Suddenly I heard someone behind me say, “What the fuck! Not this fucking morning!” I turned around and a woman who was standing about 10 people behind me was pissed so she was cussing. “This fucking line is going no where. I have so much fucking thing to do!” Every sentence she said had the word Fuck. Everyone was quiet. The security came up to her and tried to calm her down, but he became her scapegoat. An elderly woman who was third in line, said in a nice soft tone, “Miss, the amount of fuck I heard you say, I thought I was standing in your bedroom. I looked around and I see that I am still standing in the bank. Darling leave that for your bedroom.” That was the end of the fuck. Oh gosh my smile wanted to break into hysterics.

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