Sunday, June 29, 2014

“Don't raise your voice, improve your argument.” ― Archbishop Desmond Tutu

It is just that we should be grateful, not only to those with whose views we may agree, but also to those who have expressed more superficial views; for these also contributed something, by developing before us the powers of thought. ― Aristotle -BC384-BC322

A single grateful thought toward heaven is the most perfect prayer. ― Gotthold Ephraim Lessing (1729-1781)

Dear Lord, I'm so grateful I'm still loved. ― Vivien Leigh (1913-1967)

“Be vigilant”

Schools are closed for the summer holiday for many children. The holiday started so parents this is your time to take over your child/children daily Do’s and Don’ts. I know what it is like to do the fun things with your child/children, leaving them to be free to enjoy life. Today you have to be on your guard. The child molester, pedophile, pervert are lurking about.

Happy Sunday to you and yours. Enjoy and be safe.

Saturday, June 28, 2014

We all have a dark shadow. It follows us around just to bring strife to our daily living. You cannot get rid of your dark shadow. It is a life-long source of great unhappiness…

One of my favorite songs by Bobby Womack. He died yesterday at the age of 70.

Bobby Womack — (March 4, 1944 –June 27, 2014)
I wanna dedicate this song to all the lovers tonight. And I expect that might be the whole world. Because everybody needs something or someone to love.
When it’s cold outside who are you holding? You know, if y’all don’t mind I’d like to talk about this woman of mine. She’s always complainin’ bout me never bein’ at home. But when I’m there I’m broke.
She’s tellin’ me about the things that her girlfriend’s got. What she ain’t got and she wants me to go out and get em for her. But girl, I can’t be in two places at one time.
If you think you’re lonely now, huh. Wait until tonight, girl. If you think you’re lonely now, I’ll be long gone. Wait until tonight, girl. And you’ll find another man that’ll treat you right.
If you think you’re lonely now, When I ain’t there to rub your back. Wait until tonight, girl. Just remember I made it a long fact.
And when the skeletons come out of the closet. And chase you all around your room. And the memories sail round like a ghost. And that’s a matter of fact, no joke, ah. If you think you’re lonely now, Oh wait until tonight girl.
I’ll be long gone. If you think you’re lonely now, And you’ll never find another man that’ll treat you right. You just wait until tonight, girl…..

Not everyone who say, “God” mean “Our Father who art in heaven.” Enjoy your day and be safe.

Friday, June 27, 2014

I hope your day is filled with joy and laughter. Enjoy and be safe…

Just a little humor to start the day~
“A man who believes himself to be a grain of seed is taken to a mental institution where the doctors do their best to convince him that he is not a grain of seed but a man; however, when he is cured (convince that he is not a grain of seed but a man) and allowed to leave the hospital, he immediately comes back, trembling and very scared—there is a chicken outside the door, and he is afraid it will eat him. “My dear fellow,” says his doctor, you know very well that you are not a grain of seed but a man.”
“Of course I KNOW,” replies the patient, “But does the CHICKEN?” — Slavoj Žižek

Thursday, June 26, 2014

“Do not give it and then worry about it! If you are going to worry about it, do not give it!”

World Cup 2014

Uruguay’s Luis Suarez bit Italian Giorgio Chiellini. This is the third time Luis bit someone. What the… Jesus. I think that dog that Uruguay have should be banned from the World Cup for life.
On a better note, USA—Germany today at 11… I can’t wait. I like Germany, but love the USA. 

“Enjoy your day and be safe”

There are times you have to maḿaguy them~ Baffle them with bullshit.

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

For God has not given us the spirit of fear, but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. 2 Timothy 1:7

My daughter Sarah is 17 today. I thank God for blessing her with a sound mind, great personality and a good sense of humor. Happy Birthday Sarah.

Some people think that life is a bed of roses for you. Although they know that roses have thorns they still add thorns to the roses.

You have unjustly kept your kinsmen’s goods in pawn, Left them stripped naked of their clothing. To the thirsty you have given no water to drink, and from the hungry you have withheld bread; As if the land belonged to the man of might, and only the privileged were to dwell in it. You have sent widows away empty-handed, and the resources of orphans you have destroyed. Job 22:6-9

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

“My Opinion”

You can call me old fashion but there are some new trends I am not getting into because of my children. They are in school so I do not write or speak internet slang. The LOL, LMAO, ROTFL, BFN etcetera you are not getting from me. For a long time this shit had me baffled. Every time I saw it I had to ask my children what it meant. When they were not home I used to search it on the internet to get the meaning. One morning at breakfast we had a big conversation about it and my children told us that we need to get with the times. There father said he was to old for that.  I told them do not text me or speak that shit to me, if they want me to respond. Remember if you write how you speak you will fail English. That is my opinion and I am sticking to it.”…

Monday, June 23, 2014

Why worry about tomorrow when you can do it today.

“Happy Monday to you and yours.”

It is not raining in NY, but the first song to hit me this morning is Showers Of Blessings. If it is raining where you are thank God for his blessing. Some people say that God is anointing us. I used to say as a child God is washing the place. After the rain the leaves on the trees used to have a glow. Everything used to look clean. If it is raining where you are, don’t complain. Thank God for his anointing. 

Daniel Webster Whittle (1840-1901) — Showers Of Blessings
There shall be showers of blessings; This is the promise of love; There shall be seasons refreshing, Sent from the Savior above.
Showers of blessing, Showers of blessing we need: Mercy-drops round us are falling, But for the showers we plead.
There shall be showers of blessings; Precious reviving again; Over the hills and the valleys, Sound of abundance of rain.
Showers of blessing, Showers of blessing we need: Mercy-drops round us are falling, But for the showers we plead.
There shall be showers of blessings; Send them upon us, O LORD; Grant to us now a refreshing, Come, and now honor Thy Word.
Showers of blessing, Showers of blessing we need: Mercy-drops round us are falling, But for the showers we plead.
There shall be showers of blessings; Oh, that today they might fall, Now as to God we’re confessing, Now as on Jesus we call!
Showers of blessing, Showers of blessing we need: Mercy-drops round us are falling, But for the showers we plead.
There shall be showers of blessings; If we but trust and obey; There shall be seasons refreshing, If we let God have His way.

Showers of blessing, Showers of blessing we need: Mercy-drops round us are falling, But for the showers we plead.

Sunday, June 22, 2014

“See how nice it feels if you do it”

Make this week a week of giving without tell the world what you gave and the amount you bestowed. Do not cook a Cornish Hen, serve it for more than two people, then complain that you baked a chicken and they ate it all. Make this a week of giving and not complaining and see how good it feels.
Happy Sunday to you and yours. Enjoy the day and be safe.

Saturday, June 21, 2014

“Hang out at the beach, river and lake, but do not go in. That is what I say to my children.”

Today is the first day of summer an two 13yr old children ---boy and a girl drowned yesterday at different areas. Parents you have to remind your children and keep talking to them about the bodies of water around New York. They call them beaches, but they are not. You don’t have to go in far to be in the deep… Ocean, Rivers and Lakes. Another thing the water is always cold even on hot summer days.
The Atlantic Ocean to the south, Lake Erie and Lake Ontario to the North and Lake Champlain divides Vermont and New York. Those are the bodies of water that is around NY. When you get into the water there are no markers to indicate how deep the water is. Sea, lakes and rivers have no branch...
I pray for the children’s family and friends to get strength and courage to face the days ahead.

Mothers, fathers and caregivers pay attention to your children.

“Boys, will be boys” meant that boys would do something out of the normal. It may end in laughter or some may get hurt, ending up in the hospital with cuts, bruises, broken hands, feet, but no major misfortune. Today, “Boys will be Boys” means one of them may end up DEAD!
Twenty-one years ago my son –Paul started public school in NY. He was 3yrs and small in size, but because of his date of birth, he was eligible to start. Although he turned four in a couple of months after school started, I used to be worried about him. Pre K and Kindergarten went by without a hitch, but the drama started in first grade. Everyday he got home from school we would chat about his day. One day when he arrived home he looked upset. I asked him what was wrong, he insisted that he was fine so I did not press him, but I was on the alert. The next day when I took him to school, he went to meet his friends and I stood where he could not see me. They were playing and enjoying themselves when another boy, much bigger in size, ran up to them and grabbed Paul’s hand. He tried to get away, but the boy was pulling him.
“Let me go! I don’t want to play with you!” Paul shouted. His other friends stood looking on with fear on their faces. I knew if I spoke to the teacher or the principal about this, it would go no where. They would just give me some kind of blasé response so I decided to handle the situation. “Let him go right now!” He did and he stood looking at me. “Now you listen to me. Don’t you ever touch him again or say anything to him. If you do I will come in this school and drag your little ass across the grounds. You could bring your mother, your father, your aunts and uncles. I will drag all of them.”
“Miss Joseph, I am sorry. I will not do it again.”
“Good! Now play nice with everybody.” That was the end of that.
There are so many outcomes when you report a bully. No one really listens to your complaint. No one cares about your situation. You are considered to be a miserable parent, who thinks that your child is better than the other children. Your child is reckon to be the cause of his/her misfortune. The bully ends up glorified. Today glorification may not last long, it may end in death of the bully or the one who is being bullied. A sad, sad affair. Pay attention to your children. Stop the bullying…

Friday, June 20, 2014

Coconut Oil is the new craze in America. It was a feature on the news this morning. Yeah Coconut Oil~ Trinbagonians has been using coconut oil on our bodies, in our hair and to cook, since I was a baby. That is more than 50 years ago. I never liked it, but I used to make it and I also used it… 

“On A Hysterical Note”

The line was long in the bank, but I did not mind because after the heat outside cooling down before I hit the streets again was the best thing. Everyone was quietly moving along. Suddenly I heard someone behind me say, “What the fuck! Not this fucking morning!” I turned around and a woman who was standing about 10 people behind me was pissed so she was cussing. “This fucking line is going no where. I have so much fucking thing to do!” Every sentence she said had the word Fuck. Everyone was quiet. The security came up to her and tried to calm her down, but he became her scapegoat. An elderly woman who was third in line, said in a nice soft tone, “Miss, the amount of fuck I heard you say, I thought I was standing in your bedroom. I looked around and I see that I am still standing in the bank. Darling leave that for your bedroom.” That was the end of the fuck. Oh gosh my smile wanted to break into hysterics.

Thursday, June 19, 2014

“On A Sad Note”

I am a mother and my heart hurts for everyone in this situation. No body wins. A 14 year old is now being charged as an adult for the murder of a classmate. This took place at Middle School, I.S. 117, Tremont, Bronx, New York. The accused was being bullied by a group of students. He told his parents, teachers and others that he was afraid to go to school. They did not listen to him. He took a knife to school and he stabbed a boy multiple times killing him. This situation is heartbreaking for everyone involved. It is time drastic measures are taken to help children who are being victimized — bullied. Do not wait until the victim retaliates. The end results is never a good one… 


Yes there were good times, now there are bad times. Yes the honey was sweet, but the honey is finish. The bottle is empty so throw away the bottle. Stop holding on too good times turning a blind eye to the bad times. There is no more honey, stop looking for sweetness.
Enjoy your day and be safe…

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Patience is really a virtue and I love the after effects of being patient.

He said, “You are too hasty. Learn to be patient.”
I said, “I am tired of people walking all over me so I am going to fix them as we go along.
“Just try it and you will see how nice it feels after the fool is caught in his or her trap.”
She said, “You must forgive and forget.”
He said, “Forgive, but never forget.”
I felt that it was kind of harsh if I did not forget so I kept forgiving and forgetting, but then they would do the same thing over and over again.
He said, “That is why I told you not to forget. People are set in their ways. They might do it differently, but it is the same damn thing. Do not forget what they do to you!"
On this beautiful Wednesday, I say, be patient. Forgive but do not forget. Have a wonderful safe day.

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

“A Good School Year”

Yesterday was the last day of school for my daughter at her high school. To me it feels as though the first day of school was just the other day. The year went without her usual statement, “Mom, ah tell you don’t send me there because I will lose my shit.”
Although we had days of her coming home from school, taking the tin of Milo, putting a spoonful in her mouth, and then talking about all that pissed her off in school,  it was not a bad year. Amen and AMEN to that.
Mothers, fathers and caregivers remember, whatever is the result of the final grade for the school year, it is not the end of the world. Your child has a gift, a talent, a passion. Check it out and do something about it. Enjoy your day and be safe.

Sunday, June 15, 2014

“Memories Of My Father”

My father would walk by the refrigerator then call on one of us to get him a glass with ice, water, or something else. He would also sit on a chair right in front of the coffee table. The newspaper would be on the table and he would call you from where ever you were in the house or yard, to hand him the newspaper. I used to say in my mind, “You just walked by the fridge, so why didn’t you take what you wanted. One day I told him, "Daddy, you called me from outside to come in and hand you the newspaper and it is right in front of you." He would chuckle. I know my father always enjoyed that moment. Oh how I would love a moment like that with him today

Happy Father’s Day to all fathers and to all the mothers who are doing double duty —Father/Mother. Enjoy the day and be safe…

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Christina Perri — “Human”

I can hold my breath. I can bite my tongue. I can stay awake for days. If that’s what you want. Be your number one. I can fake a smile. I can force a laugh. I can dance and play the part. If that’s what you ask. Give you all I am. I can do it. I can do it. I can do it.
But I’m only human. And I bleed when I fall down. I’m only human. And I crash and I break down. Your words in my head, knives in my heart. You build me up and then I fall apart. ‘Cause I’m only human.
I can turn it on. Be a good machine. I can hold the weight of worlds. If that’s what you need. Be your everything. I can do it. I can do it. I’ll get through it.
But I’m only human. And I bleed when I fall down. I’m only human. And I crash and I break down. Your words in my head, knives in my heart. You build me up and then I fall apart. ‘Cause I’m only human.
I’m only human. I’m only human. Just a little human.
I can take so much. ‘Til I’ve had enough.
‘Cause I’m only human. And I bleed when I fall down. I’m only human. And I crash and I break down. Your words in my head, knives in my heart. You build me up and then I fall apart. ‘Cause I’m only human.

My father walks the earth no more, but I have fond memories of him. On this Father’s Day Eve a prayer for all fathers and for mothers who are doing double duty. Fathers, do not provoke your children to anger, but bring them up with the training and instruction of the LORD. Ephesians 6:4

Friday, June 13, 2014

When a family member dies~

You meet relatives you never knew existed~
You see relatives you have not seen or communicated with in a long time. You promise that you will, but you never do~
The dead person leaves a heavy secret~
The secret becomes the prime possession of the receiver and they feel obligated to carry this burden~
When a family member dies every member of the family shows their true colors…

Thursday, June 12, 2014

The kind of books for children makes me say, “What the… Jesus”, but then most of the stories and nursery rhymes I read as a child were the same~ Just ghastly, horrible, horrific, dreadfully frightening tales from the Brother’s Grimm etc…

My son was 16 when he started reading a book called, Scary Stories To Chill Your Bones. He said that it is very creepy especially the illustrations. It was freaking him out so he threw it out. He told me that I bought it for him. I don’t remember, but I probably did because if they ask me for a book, I buy it. Yes my children read horror stories and look at movies, but they know their limits. My son said one day he and 4 of his friends (19yrs) went to the library to do research. He told them about Scary Stories To Chill Your Bones. They told him that they don’t believe that it would be that horrible and they would read one of the stories. There were copies of the book sitting on a shelf in the children’s section. They all took copies and started reading. He said that none of them finished a story. One of them said the illustrations just adds to the creepiness of it.
This book is still in the juvenile section of the Public Library, but the illustrations were changed making the story less creepy…

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

The conversation this morning was about Slenderman. Have you heard about Slenderman? The shit looks so freaking creepy it is not funny.

My children cannot understand how these children could be so gullible.
Children read Slenderman stories, they take snippets from the stories then carry out a horrific act. Two 12-year-old girl in Wisconsin attacked a classmate. Took her to the woods and then they stabbed her 19 times leaving her in the woods, but she crawled out and was found on the road. She survived the attack. They did it to show their dedication to Slenderman.
A 13 year old girl in Ohio attacked her mother with a knife. She did it to please Slenderman.

I was going to put a picture up of this creepy character, but my daughter told me not too, it might just creep out someone… 
When I am having a conversation with anybody and I know that they are not speaking the truth, I get very quiet and I leave them to out talk themselves. If they say. “You are not saying anything.”
I would say, “No because I am listening to you. What you are saying is very interesting. Continue…
Like my father used to say to me, “I might look stupid and I might even talk shit, but Val is not a damn fool.”
I loved that man so much. A spade was a spade with him~ Nothing else…

Your happiness is in your hands~ Don’t let anyone thief your joy~

Everybody is looking for something~ I hope you find what you are looking for. Enjoy your day and be safe.

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

“Guns, Guns, Guns”

Last Sunday, two Las Vegas cops were having lunch at a pizzeria when they were shot by a husband and wife. They also shot a civilian at a nearby Walmart then the woman shot her husband then herself.
This morning a shooter opened fire in a Portland, Oregon, high school. Shot and killed one student. The shooter is also dead.

It is legal to bear arms in some states in the USA. These arms bearers walk the streets with their guns. Imagine you are at the mall shopping and people walking around packing…guns in their waist, handbags, holster. Damn scary~ LORD THE WILD WILD WEST is alive and well in America.


And that is a fact. I did not pass the Common Entrance Examination and the world did not end. It is still here. I went to high school then I went to college. The only thing that did not make me do my Bachelors Degree in Social Work was my desire to write. Today I am an author. That is my passion my gift and I love it.
Please ignore all the boastful people who are making you feel that your child is worthless because he/she failed the exam. Put aside your hurt~ embarrassment~ disdain that you feel towards your child. IT IS NOT THE END OF THE WORLD. Start working on the next chapter. Your child was bless with; A talent. A gift. A passion. Have a serious talk with him/her to find out what he/she likes to do and get them involved in It. Learn a trade. A blue color worker always have a job.

Monday, June 9, 2014

I will listen to anyone's convictions, but pray keep your doubts to yourself. ― Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749-1832)

“This Morning”

It is dark, cloudy, raining heavily, but I am loving it because there is no thunder and lightning. When my daughter dressed for school, I decided not to say anything about her footwear but as mother I could not shut up so I said, “Are you wearing your boots?
“No I am wearing my high top converse sneakers. I knew that it was the wrong footwear for this day because they are light green and the dirty puddles of water would stain them, but I said, “Okay.”
She put them on then grabbed her bag and left. I sat looking through the window. The rain was pouring. It was just a nice serene feeling to see the leaves on the trees move from the gentle breeze. As the rain hit the window, I whispered, “Lord, let Sarah not go to school with those wet sneakers.” Suddenly I heard, ding~ding~ding~ding. I chuckled because God answered in a flash. When I opened the door she said, “Don’t say anything. I have to put on my boots it is brutal out there. Mom stop smiling, I know you want to say something.”
“Change your socks, you are making footprints on the floor,” I said, but I chuckled. She shook her head, changed her socks, put on her boots and left.

Another day~ Another story... 


If you continue thinking and speaking negative words then unhappiness lives with you.
Death and life are in the power of the tongue. Those who make it a friend shall eat it’s fruit. Prov. 18:21
Do not worry about tomorrow; tomorrow will take care of itself. Sufficient for a day is its own evil. Matthew 6:34

A blessed safe day to you and yours.

Sunday, June 8, 2014


Happy Sunday to you and yours. I wish you a blessed safe week. 
Ladies you are the backbone of your home~ The foundation. Make this week your listening week. Listen to your; children, your man, your partner and to all the people who mean something to you. Make your life worthwhile~ valuable~ useful~ meaningful~ sensible. Advising only if it is immediately needed ~ If it is not needed at ‘the-spur-of-the-moment’, sleep on it then give your opinion if necessary…

Psalm. 115:1, 14 Not to us, O LORD, not to us but to Your name give glory, because of your kindness, because of your truth and love. May the LORD bless you more and more, both you and your children.

Saturday, June 7, 2014

“Only Two Drinking Glasses”

Is it wrong not to have drinking glasses in your home? Over the years I would hit Macy’s on sale days and buy drinking glasses. At one point we had over 100 glasses. You talk about glasses… hmm. Glasses were still in boxes. I decided that we were going to use the glasses we had and I was not going to buy anymore drinking glasses for a long, long time. Oh drama~ It has been years. One morning at breakfast my daughter said, “We only have two glasses.”
“What?” I asked then said, “You are not serious?”
“Mom these two glasses are the only glasses we have.”
I open the cupboard and the space with the drinking glass was empty so I opened the other side. There were 16 wine glasses standing looking real elegant in the cupboard so I said, “There are glasses in here.”
“Mom! I am not going to be drinking juice or water in a wine glass. That is crazy.”
“Oh you segregating,” I said and started to smile.
“What!?” she said.
Her father and brother started to laugh then her brother said, “What’s the big deal? They are glasses.”
“You shouldn’t say anything because I know you and dad would not be bothered by this glass situation,” she said.
“You know what? There are two drinking glasses. If you take good care of them they could last you a real long time,” I said and I was smiling.
“When I go to the Plaza, I am going to buy some glasses!” she said.
“Why? I think we should use the glasses in the cupboard because there are about 40 glasses in the closet.”
“Mom you know those are crystals and they are wine glasses.”
“So. Girl drink in style. Life is too short. Enjoy it,” I said.
“Steups,” She sucked her teeth.
Her brother picked up his white enamel cup, that had water in it and he said, “Cheers.”
His father took up his white enamel cup and they knocked their cups, drank from it then they started to laugh. It was a hysterical moment. I love the drama in my home. It is the best…

I hope you have a day filled with fun and excitement~ Be safe and enjoy…

Friday, June 6, 2014

My heart breaks for Trinidad and Tobago~ Where did these horrific people come from? I remember my mother used to say, “Its like the devil in them” Just as God has his people the devil has his clique…Oui

Every man, every woman who has to take up the service of government, must ask themselves two questions: 'Do I love my people in order to serve them better? Am I humble and do I listen to everybody, to diverse opinions in order to choose the best path?' If you don't ask those questions, your governance will not be good. — Pope Francis
I wonder if Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar asked herself that? More than 187 murders and she acts as though it is another day at the races... Life is good.
A sad, sad affair for Trinidad and Tobago.
I remember when Kamla started her governing. She got rid of all the things the PNM had in place to make the country better and safe. Many people were impressed with her antics, because the PNM was the party they hated. They were not looking at the big picture. I remember FB was hot with the topic of the security system that she dismantled. The system was going to allow them to listen in on conversations and be able to pinpoint the criminals. Lots of people were happy that she did it, because they said that, that system was going to infringed on their privacy. I said, "If you are not doing anything illegal then what is the problem? That system would have caused the arrest of many criminals. I believe that Kams had to get rid of it because some of the crooks are in her circle.” Today she allows the prisoners to have cell phones and other electronics in prison. Her governance is the worst thing that has happened to Trinidad and Tobago.

Although the life of a person is in a land full of thorns and weeds, there is always a space in which the good seed can grow. You have to trust God. — Pope Francis

Sometimes negative news does come out, but it is often exaggerated and manipulated to spread scandal. — Pope Francis

Today is another day, another story. It is not like yesterday. I wish for you, a better day than yesterday.

Thursday, June 5, 2014

“Broken Glasses”

When I was a child I saw many children get licks for breaking a glass. I never saw fathers get upset, but mothers would go overboard. I used to think that was real shit. My mother never beat us for breaking a glass, but she used to stare at you and quarrel about it. I used to stand there wanting to ask her, “You never broke a glass in your life?” then steups (suck my teeth), but I knew that would have cause the belt to come forward. For many years glasses broke accidentally by me and my siblings. The quarrelsome moments continued and then one day I said, “You never broke a glass?”
“You are too rude. Out of place to ask me that,” She said.
I wanted to say, that is not rudeness, but I shut my mouth.

One day when I was going to get something from the kitchen, I heard my mother talking and laughing with one of my sisters. As I stepped into the kitchen, my mother in her hysterical moment knocked a glass off of the kitchen counter. She grabbed for it, but it hit the kitchen floor. I stopped walking, opened my eyes wide as it smashed. I looked down at the glass, then I looked at her. A moment of silence took place and I said in my mind, “Oh what a heavenly moment.”

Have a wonderful day~ Be safe~

If everybody appreciate what they have that will get ride of greed~
If everybody love each other that will get rid of jealousy~
If everybody is humane that will make the world a better place

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

It is heartbreaking to think about what the 7 year old child, had to endure as this person viciously attacked her and her 6yr old friend. I heard on the news that there are defensive wounds on her body, How much could she have done to ward off her attacker? I hope they find this person soon…

“A blessed safe Wednesday to you and yours”

As you head out be aware of your surroundings. Pay attention to that inkling feeling in you that says something is amiss. Do not wait until something happen to say I had a hunch that something was wrong, but I shook it off. I believe that intuition~ perception~ insight~ sixth sense~ suspicion is God saying I am here pay attention, something is wrong.
A man was stabbed this morning on the Downtown #1 train on 18th Street--- Chelsea.

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Be on your Ps and Qs!!! Apparently the children were stabbed by the same person~ LORD have mercy.

“Life is what you make”

Be happy with what you have. Stop wanting to be like the Joneses or wanting to have what they have. Mr. and Mrs. Jones doesn’t give a damn about you. A blessed safe day to you and yours.

Monday, June 2, 2014

“Another sad affair”

An 18yr old was stabbed multiple times and killed about a week ago, in Brooklyn, NY. Yesterday  about two blocks away from the first stabbing two children, 6 and 7 years were brutally stabbed multiple times. The 6 year old died and the 7 year old is in critical condition at the hospital. My heart goes out to the parents of these children.
Dear God, evil is in the midst of us.
As you head out today, be on your Ps and Qs. Enjoy your day and be safe.

Sunday, June 1, 2014

“Happy Sunday”

On this beautiful Sunday, the start of a new week I wish you and yours the best things that life has to offer and remember~ Let your foot be seldom in your neighbor’s house. He will become weary of you and hate you. Prov. 25:17