Thursday, August 8, 2013

“Play Areas Are Not Safe”

A child was sexually assaulted by a 14 yr old at a McDonalds Play Area in Queens, NY. Parents/caregivers do not feel comfortable allowing your child/children to wander by themselves in any play areas. It is not safe today and has never been safe. There is no security at these places, to stop the adult or bigger child/children from going in.
22 years ago I used to take my son to Discovery Zone. It was always crowded —Lots of children with their parents/caregivers. One day my sisters-in law and I took our children to DZ. My son was 2, (The year was 1992) one of his cousins, girl —3 and the other cousin, boy —4. The moment we arrived they wanted to play. We sent them and stood talking, but we made sure that we could see them. Our eyes were also on the entrance to see who was entering the tunnel. They were having fun and every time they exited the tunnel, they would go back so we kept vigilance. While they were in the tunnel a teenager about 17 entered the tunnel. We separated and started calling out to the children. My niece and nephew exited, but my son was still in there. One of my sisters-in-law said that she was going in and she ran to the entrance and entered. I saw him and shouted to her where he was. He was sitting in there playing with a car. The teenager was on the opposite side of him. My sister-in-law got to him and as innocent as he was, he smiled excitedly when he saw her, wanting her to stay and play. She told him they had to get out…

When my daughter was 4 (The year was 2001) We took her to ChuckE Cheese’s, Flatbush Avenue, Brooklyn NY. It was crowded… looked as though there were more than 100 children. I felt uncomfortable. My son was now 10. I told him to keep his eyes on his sister, but I had my eyes on them. It wasn’t 10 minutes into their play time when an adult male entered the tunnel. That was the end of the tunnel play time. Parent’s/Caregivers be vigilant with your children… 

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