Monday, August 5, 2013

“Heard This Over And Over”

The next person who tells me a story like this, I will have to whisper silent prayers to stop myself from cussing.
She met him at a party. A cute guy. (Cute was the first word that rang off in my head that said, “This story is not going to end good.) He asked her to dance and she said yes. It was very nice so they danced, set after set. He did not let her go until a friend of his came up and whispered in his ear then he said, “My friends are ready to leave. It was fun dancing with you. I guess we might meet again. Have a good night,”He said.
“We danced and I don’t know your name,” she said.
“Samuel,” He said.
“I’m Lystra.”
“It’s nice meeting you,” He said and shook her hand.
“Do you have a cell phone?” She asked.
“No.” He said.
“Another number where I can reach you?” She asked.
“The landline in my home, does not work,” He said.
(Now as she is telling me this, I am wondering if intuition is not kicking in while he is speaking, or is she F***ing dense?)
“Let me give you my number. You can call me when you get a phone,” She said.
She wrote her number on a piece of paper and gave it to him. He told her he would call as soon as the phone starts working. He called 14 days later.
(So you were in desperation mode, counting down the days hoping to hear from him.)
He called and he said that he lives with his mother and she is always on the phone. In less than five minutes during their phone calls, a call would always came in. He would say he have to go and then hang up.
(Phone calls for his mother … Really.)
During one of their phone conversations he said that he wanted to get to know her better, but at the moment he cannot afford to invest in a cell phone. He also said that since they lived an hour away from each other, it is difficult for him to come and visit because of his job. She told him she understood and then she said that she could get him a phone… put him on her plan. He agreed and she sent him the phone. They talked every night when she got in from work, and they were planning to get together. (After talking for all those weeks, getting together is still in the planning stages?…hmm) She was excited that they were becoming closer then one night when she phoned him, his mother answered the phone. She started to explain to her who she was, but his mother said, “Samuel told me about you. You are the one who got him this phone. Can you call him back in 15 minutes. I am on a long distance call?” The next thing she heard was dial tone.
I wanted to say, I hope you hung up and dial your phone carrier and immediately cancel the F***ing phone. But as I said before this story is not going to end good… 

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