Monday, August 12, 2013

“Once A Man”

Oh gosh as I am getting younger all the old pains in the body, I had a knee story going on. One morning when I got up it was not hurting so I did not put on the brace, went into the kitchen to make a cup of coffee. I suddenly hit the floor. My daughter and son were home. They helped me up and put on my knee brace. Called their father who was at work and he asked if he should come home. My son was going for a late class so he told him that he was going to make sure I stayed in bed. His sister would be home from school before he leaves. So someone would be home. His father told him to make sure I stayed in bed and to be at my beck and call. He did wait on me, left when his sister came home from school and then she was on duty. My husband came home from work and he prepared dinner then brought me a plate. That night I said to him that I was sorry I did not cook and he had to come home and do it. “Don’t be sorry. Remember to wear your brace. I want you to be okay.”
The kindness and the love was so overwhelming that I started to cry saying how thankful I am and sorry for my little disability. My husband said, “Alli, for better or for worst.”
So on this rainy Monday morning in NY and for the rest of this world, whatever the weather may be… remember the vow you took. it is a solemn promise.
“Thank you God for everything.”

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