Thursday, August 15, 2013

“A Trinbago Moment”

Last night I had a Trinbago moment when I was looking at the news. Two young men were taking a ride on the back of a truck. Many drivers were trying to alert the truck driver, but he was going at a terrific speed so he did not see or hear them. When he stopped at a traffic light the two guys got off.
One day where I lived in Trinbago, the Sweet Drink —(Soda) truck driver came to deliver soda at the parlour —(Bodega). 4 guys were liming —(Hanging out) on the corner. The Sweet Drink truck driver made his delivery and was getting in the truck to leave. 2 of the guys decided to hop on the back and take a ride, with the intention of not going far. When the driver started the truck and pulled off, he did not drive fast. Just before the guys got to the point where they planned to get off, the driver saw them and he increased his speed. He drover faster and faster. The two guys realized that he was taking them further than they planned. At the speed the truck was moving, they knew the dangers of getting off so they stayed on. One shouted, “When he stop at the traffic light we will get off.”
The other saw a large heap of red sand so he shouted, “There is a large heap of red sand a little way up on my side, I am going to dive on it.” The moment the driver got near to the sand, he got ready to make his move and he did. He missed the sand and hit the road. The other guy saw his friend on the road looking as though he hurt himself badly.
The driver eventually got to the street lights. It was on green so he did not stop. The guy was finally able to get off of the truck 2 miles away from where he got on…

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