Sunday, August 11, 2013

“50 Years Ago In Trinbago”

Today —A New World Order.
50 years ago in Trinbago there were no thieves. I remember that an elderly person could ask a child in the neighborhood to run an errand for them. The child would do it, without complaining, bring the item along with the change~ Not today.
You ask them for some of their fruits, — mango, pommecythere, pommerac etc., They used to say, “Child go ahead. Pick what you want and pick some for me too.” You did the exact thing she/he said and everybody was happy~ A different story today.
The vendors in the market used to leave there produce over night in their stalls, covered with a crocus bag. When they return the next day everything was intact in there stalls. If you go to buy from the absent vendor, the one next to him/her would sell you the item. When he/she arrived they would be informed about the transaction and given the money~ Not today.
All windows and doors used to be wide opened Sunday to Sunday. I did not know about locking a door. Closing a window depended on the rain and wind. If the wind was blowing the rain in the direction of the open window you closed it~ Today it’s not just rain and wind causing you to close it.
A new world order.

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