Thursday, June 30, 2011

“Wood Slave Is A Celebrity”

I wonder if Trinbagonians know that WOOD SLAVE is a celebrity in the USA… WOOD SLAVE is on the TV everyday in the Geico commercials.
As a child, I used to play with wood slaves. They were prevalent in every home in Trinidad and Tobago. Everyday, I would look up at the ceiling to see what they were up to. In most cases, they were hunting insects –crickets, spiders, moths etc. They are light on their feet when they are about to kill then in a flash they capture their victims. Sometimes in their excitement to do it, or when they are fighting with each other, they would fall from the ceiling to the floor. If they fall on their legs, they would scamper away. A piece of their tail might break off. The first time I saw that, I got upset, but my big brother said not to worry because it will grow back. When they fall on their backs, they die and that was sad… Today, wood slave is a celebrity… Nice.

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