Thursday, June 23, 2011


One morning when I was leaving home to go to school, my mother said, “The front of the yard smells fresh. I think there are snakes around.”
My father said, “I saw some snake skins under two plant pots. We have to look out for snakes.”
Those words stayed with me all day at school and I was worried, because I don’t like snakes. When I got home from school, the fresh smell was still in the air. I asked my mother if they saw any snakes, but she said no.
Later that evening, I sat on the porch to do my homework. Halfway through it, at the corner of my eyes, I noticed the chain link fence that separated our yard from the neighbor’s was shaking. When I looked at the fence, I screamed out, “Daddy! Look how much snakes are coming down the fence!”. There were about twenty or more young snakes slithering down the fence...

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