Wednesday, June 22, 2011

“The Decision Makers In Her Life”

She was late for a meeting so she walked quickly down the corridor. As she got closer to the room where they were meeting, she heard snippets of the conversation. The women were discussing the food for a coming event that the group was having. She stood a few feet from the door to put her keys in her handbag. The president of the group said, “Belinda told me to put her down for the vegetable rice and potato salad.”
“No. I wanted to make that. Please, let me make it,” said one of the members.
“I already told her that she can bring those two dishes,” said the president.
“You could tell her that I am going to make it. She could make something else.”
“That’s true. Why don’t you put her down for honey bar-b-q wings or for decorations? We still need people to do those two items,” said another member.
“Okay. I will talk to her,” said the president.
“What nonsense,” Belinda whispered. She turned around, ran down the corridor and left the building. The weeks leading up to the get-together, she avoided everyone in the group. One day, she met the two decision makers. They said hello to her and they talked a little about this and that. she waited for them to say something about the get-together, but they didn’t. The night of the event, she walked in with a large dish of vegetable rice and a big bowl of potato salad. “Oh dear. I was trying to avoid this,” said the president.

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