Thursday, June 16, 2011

“The First Shall Be Last”

The first shall be last so you know what happened to the last…
I was first in line to have my items cashed and I felt great that I was going to get out of the store very quickly. A woman was standing calmly awaiting her turn. While my items were being scanned, four other people stood on the line… The last person was complaining that she had to go to work, so please hurry. Two other persons agreed that the casher should be quick…
“I’ll try my best to be quick,” she said, and proceeded to scan my items. When she was finished, she told me to swipe my card and I did. It started to process, then the screen suddenly went blank… The casher tried rebooting the cash register, but nothing happened, so she called the manager. I had to wait for him. The people started to make a raucous, so another register was opened and I watched them all finished their transactions then leave… I was still waiting on the manager. Today was one day that I wished that I was last on line…

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