Monday, June 6, 2011

“Another Scary Moment”

She worked late and her boss offered to send her home in a taxi, but she told him that she preferred to take the train. The train was across the street from her job and it would take her to New Jersey faster than a taxi. She left work at 11:00PM and had to wait half an hour for the train. The train ride was faster, but now that she was standing alone waiting on a taxi, reality hit her that this was not a good idea. A man walked by and he looked at her, making the situation more uncomfortable. She walked back into the station and looked through the window to the area where the bus stops. The moment a bus pulled into the station, she got on. There were about ten people on it and when she got to her destination, no one else got off. She was not sure if that was a good or bad thing. The street was dismal, and very quiet for a moment then, she heard footsteps behind her. Now she was petrified because the footsteps sounded closer. She crossed the street and the person crossed the street, so she started trotting. The person was trotting too. When she turned onto the walkway to her home… the footsteps faded, and she breathed a sigh of relief, but then she saw a shadow go by…

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