Friday, June 17, 2011

“Think Of The Other Person”

The sun is shining but the weather is bleak. My day started off with out a hitch until I got to Flatbush Avenue…
The name should be changed from Flatbush Avenue to Flatbush Highway. Everyone drives on that road at a terrific speed. I was waiting for the lights to change to get to the other side. Some kids were also waiting on the light. They were talking, but I wasn’t listening to them. One of them suddenly dashed across the street, in front of two speeding cars, to the other side.
“Oh my God! Why did he do that!?”
His friends were cheering him on because he got there safely. Another one was getting ready to do the same thing. I looked at them and said, “Can I ask you all a question?” They all said yes. “Do you guys love your mothers or anyone in your family?” They were surprised at the question, but they all said yes. Then I said, “Do you know how heartbreaking it would be for them if you got hit by a car and died?” The lights changed, and I crossed the street. They all did the same thing…

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