Friday, October 16, 2020

Trinidad and Tobago Colloquial Language. ((2)

Look who talking nah? Is like de devil correcting sin. (A wicked person complaining about a wicked person.)  

Yuh only wasting yuh bread an’ butter. (Someone squandering the money they worked for.)

Dem only taking bread an’ butter out yuh mouth. (A person not being paid what they are worth.)

Only yuh know how yuh does butter yuh bread. (You know how to handle your situation.)

Yuh only making track for monkey to run. (Working on something for yourself but someone else will profit from it.) 

Wha’ monkey see monkey do. (Someone mimicking another person.)

Monkey does know wha’ tree to climb. (You know what you can say or do to a particular person.)

Monkey doh see he own tail. (Someone saying bad things about a person but their situation is worst.)

Yuh is ah dutty dog. (A person with bad ways.)

Yuh is ah good fuh notin’. (A worthless person.)

Yuh better save for ah rainy day. (Be frugal because you might suffer hardship.)

 Put dat in yuh pipe an’ smoke it! (You did something and don’t care who gets annoyed.)

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