Saturday, October 17, 2020

Trinbagonians Talk. (3)

Meh eh hav’ no pesh. (A person who doesn’t have money.)

Yuh too mo-vay-lang. (Someone who bad talks others.)

Dat dutty red rag in yuh mouth go get yuh in trouble. (A person who likes to gossip.)

Yuh does beat yuh own drum an’ dance tah yuh own tune. (A person who do things for themselves.)

Doh bite de han’ dat feed yuh. (Do not disrespect the person who helps you.)

Yuh too stingy. (A person who doesn’t share.)

Dat is common knowledge. (A well-known situation.)

Yuh too dam’ farse an out-ah-place. (An inquisitive and disrespectful person.)

 Mister-Man yuh gettin’ beside yuhself! (A disrespectful male child.)

Miss Lady leh meh tell yuh somethin’! (An adult going to reprimand a disrespectful female child.)

 For de umpteenth time, ah tellin’ yuh tah stop doin’ dat! (Telling a child over and over to stop doing something.)

Who doh hear, does feel! (Someone not listening to a warning can get hurt.)

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