Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Trinbagonians talk. (6)

 Dem did stick-up ah store de other day! (Some people robbed a store.)

Dem does thief wind. (Someone who thief anything they put their hands on.)

Yuh drinking tea for other people fever. (Someone fighting another person’s battle.)

If looks could kill, ah go be dead right now. (A person looking at another person angrily.)

Dat person looking at meh with cut-eye. (A person staring angrily at another person.)

Ah watching dem with ah co-key-eye. (Sneakily looking at someone.)

Listen Mister Noah, ah doh want to hear another word out yuh mouth. (Telling someone who talks as though they know everything to shut up.)

De words from meh mouth eh have no color! (An adult telling a child to stop looking at them because they are not talking to them.)

Yuh barking at de wrong tree. (Someone interfering in something they cannot handle.)

Yuh eh have no dam’ ambition. (A person not doing anything to be successful. An idle person.)

Yuh does expla-shi-ate yuhself too much. (A person expressing them self at the top of their voice and showing off.)

Yuh better shut yuh trap. (Telling someone to shut up.)


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