Sunday, October 18, 2020

Trinbagonians talk. (4)

Yuh jus’ like yuh muddah. (Have all your mother’s mannerisms.)

Yuh is yuh faddah child. (Have all your father’s mannerisms.)

Yuh is de only one dat know yuh onions. (A person who knows what they want. Know their children.)

Why yuh digging up in yuh faddah big head? (Interfering with what doesn’t belong to you.)

Is like yuh looking for wha’ yuh didn’t put down. (A person interfering with something that doesn’t belong to them.)

Yuh go make meh hit de roof! (Someone getting you angry.)

Doh bother meh soul-case. (Telling someone to stop being a nuisance.)

Ah go buss yuh arse! (A person threatening to beat someone.)

Yuh eye too long. (You have your own but you want what belongs to another person.)

Yuh too zig zag. (A person who keeps changing their mind about something.)

Yuh mind too small. (Someone who is childish and selfish.)

Yuh only tellin’ stories. (Someone who is not being truthful.)

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