Thursday, October 8, 2020

My father was a man who called a spade, a spade. He used to say in Trinbago Lingo, “Doh trouble, trouble, it go trouble yuh. Let sleepin’ dogs lie.” One day I overheard a friend saying to a group of friends that she did not like me. Her back was to me so one of our friends was trying to get her to stop talking. She kept making her point about why she did not like me. I was embarrassed, but I took a deep breath, swallowed the hurt and said hello to everyone. As I stood there talking and smiling, trying my best not to cry I wanted to get away. My best friend suddenly shouted my name from a distance. She saved me from the contempt. I walked away quickly and as I met her, she saw the hurt on my face, so I told her what happened. My best friend said, “Do not speak to her again! Ignore her!” When I arrived home my father was sitting on the porch. I sat on a chair and started to cry. My father asked me why I was crying and I told him what happened. “Do you like everyone you meet?” He asked. Me: “No!” “Not everyone who meet you, will like you. Ignore the people who do not like you.” He said. I ignore all my haters and I do not get a sleepless night over them.

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