Monday, November 12, 2018

I hope today is a better day for you than yesterday. Enjoy your day and be safe.

I hope today is a better day for you than yesterday. Enjoy your day and be safe.
Back to my sugar, flour and rice situation. I am amazed that I am not diabetic or suffering with high blood pressure. My doctor asked me one day if I ever suffered with high blood pressure. The only time my pressure got elevated was moments after I had Paul and then moments after I had Sarah. When I was in the hospital my blood pressure and glucose level was normal. My sugar, flour and rice situation started when menopause started. I remember hearing my mother and some of her women friends, talk about how they felt while going through menopause. To me although it is a different experience for each one of us, it really traumatizes your body. In 2011 when I was returning from Trinidad, at Piarco Airport my brother Reynold took us to get something to eat before we had to board. I had fried bake and saltfish with a cup of tea that had milk and sugar. After I ate, I suddenly felt sluggish. Although I was walking, my legs felt stiff so I had to will myself not to look lethargic... weary. I know for a fact that your body tells you if it likes or don’t like something you eat. Pay attention to your body and try your best not to eat that thing that makes your body unhappy.

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