Friday, November 23, 2018

A Happy and safe day to you and your family.

Doing many things in life is innate for us. After we do it, we realized we are not supposed to do it. I was doing fine while making the stuffing for the turkey. I used Jiffy Corn Muffin Mix, a pack of Herbs Seasoned Classic Stuffing and a Jimmy Dean Sausage.  After I put it all together, I took up a little on the spoon and tasted it. The Jiff Cornbread is sweet so I knew what I did was a no, no but then I said to myself, it was only a little so everything will be fine. The little I ate did not give me a good taste test so  I had Sarah do the taste test. When she said, “Can I have some on a plate?” I knew it tasted good. An hour later I started to feel shaky and I was pissed with myself. I mixed a tablespoon of Apple cider vinegar and 1 teaspoon of baking soda in water and drank it. It helped with the aches and pains but all day yesterday I felt a little unsteady. Today I am doing fine. I believe sugar turns into alcoholic in my body and I get drunk.

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