Thursday, November 29, 2018

Did you ever had a math test, you worked out the problems got the right answer, and then your teacher tells you to come to the board and show the class how you got your answers? When that happened to me, I was dumfounded. Couldn’t remember how I got my answers. In my head I started to cuss; “What the ass wrong with this woman. I told her that I worked them out in my head. So, she said then show the class. I stood for a moment, feeling a bit intimidated, but then was able to do them.
She said, “I thought you copied the answers.”
I stood looking at her angrily and I said, “Copied from what?”
“I did not say what was going to be on the test so you couldn’t have known. That was a bad statement,” she said.
“Yes, it was insulting!” I wanted to cuss but I needed the grade.

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