Friday, November 30, 2018

7.0 Earthquake hit Anchorage Alaska then a 5.8 hit. No news about the damage etc.

A wonderful safe day to you and your family. Although your child/children upset you, did not make the right grades in school etc., think about a way to fix the situation in a loving way. If you cannot fix it say, “LORD I leave it in your hands.” Remember to give your child/children what you promised them for Christmas. Life is short and it floats away in a moment.

Thursday, November 29, 2018

Did you ever had a math test, you worked out the problems got the right answer, and then your teacher tells you to come to the board and show the class how you got your answers? When that happened to me, I was dumfounded. Couldn’t remember how I got my answers. In my head I started to cuss; “What the ass wrong with this woman. I told her that I worked them out in my head. So, she said then show the class. I stood for a moment, feeling a bit intimidated, but then was able to do them.
She said, “I thought you copied the answers.”
I stood looking at her angrily and I said, “Copied from what?”
“I did not say what was going to be on the test so you couldn’t have known. That was a bad statement,” she said.
“Yes, it was insulting!” I wanted to cuss but I needed the grade.

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Happy Wednesday to you and your family. Enjoy your day and be safe.

Remember your friends are not your child/children’s friends. They do not have to have conversations with them. They do not have to be in their presence. I heard a story about a male family friend raping his friend’s son. If your father, mother, brother, sister or friend makes your child uncomfortable make sure that person no longer comes to your home or near your children.

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

The audacity of some people is annoying. What makes some of us think that people living away from civilization are not happy? What makes some of us think that we have to go in their space and teach them how to become refine? These people live healthy lives and they are happy with the way they live. When someone who doesn’t belong come into their space, they contaminate the area and can cause them to become ill. Most of us live in the civilize world. We have water yet many people don’t bathe or sponge their bodies every day. They don’t even was their hands after using the bathroom. I have been to rest rooms where there are signs telling their workers to wash their hands after using it. Every time I see that notice, I find it odd that some people have to be reminded to wash their hands. To avoid tainting, contaminating, polluting, staining, spoiling, infecting leave well alone!
Have a nice day and be safe.

Monday, November 26, 2018

They came to colonize the world and they made it poor, hungry and brutal. What’s next?

Sunday, November 25, 2018

Happy Sunday to you and your family. Enjoy and be safe.
Your own ants, does bite yuh. Jealousy is ah hell of ah thing. There is an appalling person in every family. Most of the relatives know that person and they talk among themselves about how un-pleasant that person is. When the person is around, they all chat with them, acting as though everything is wonderful. People need to let everyone in their circle know the dreadful people in their family. I heard a story about a woman who lived in the US, moved back to Trinbago, was raped and murdered by a close relative, days after she arrived.  

Saturday, November 24, 2018

Happy Saturday to you and your family. Enjoy your day and be safe. Remember if someone is talking about you, good or bad you are important to someone. You are taking up space in their head. Don’t get mad. Smile and move on.

Friday, November 23, 2018

Imagine a man going to rape a woman and that is a horrible thing yet he wants a bonus. Special treatment.
Yesterday I did not listen to the news. Sometimes I don’t want to hear about yellow, killings, and other horrible stories. This morning the first story I heard is about a Trinbago youth man. He beats this woman until she becomes unconscious then when she woke up, he beats her a second time. When she woke up the second time, his penis was in her mouth. She played a little with his penis then she bites it. Police in NY are on the hunt for the young boy who is missing a piece of his totie.

A Happy and safe day to you and your family.

Doing many things in life is innate for us. After we do it, we realized we are not supposed to do it. I was doing fine while making the stuffing for the turkey. I used Jiffy Corn Muffin Mix, a pack of Herbs Seasoned Classic Stuffing and a Jimmy Dean Sausage.  After I put it all together, I took up a little on the spoon and tasted it. The Jiff Cornbread is sweet so I knew what I did was a no, no but then I said to myself, it was only a little so everything will be fine. The little I ate did not give me a good taste test so  I had Sarah do the taste test. When she said, “Can I have some on a plate?” I knew it tasted good. An hour later I started to feel shaky and I was pissed with myself. I mixed a tablespoon of Apple cider vinegar and 1 teaspoon of baking soda in water and drank it. It helped with the aches and pains but all day yesterday I felt a little unsteady. Today I am doing fine. I believe sugar turns into alcoholic in my body and I get drunk.

Thursday, November 22, 2018

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Happy Wednesday to you and your family. Have a nice day. Enjoy and be safe.

Every time I hear a man answering to everything that has been said about him, talking as though he is a brave strong man. I believe that he is a cry baby. When he is alone, he screams, shouts and his tears flow. The man stands with authority, points his finger then he starts talking about the people who comments about him. All I have to say about that is, “Cry, Cry Baby, walla, walla dumplin’. Take off yuh shoes an’ run up de mountain.”

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Have a Happy safe Tuesday.

Watch your steps and be aware of your surroundings. Remember not to walk the streets with your headphones in your ears. It is not safe. Someone can walk behind you to harm you. You can be on your guard if you do not have anything blocking your sight and hearing. A woman was raped last night in the Church Avenue, Flatbush area. Another was hit in the back of her head a weeks ago. Phones and headphones should not be in use if you are walking. If you get a call, stand up, position yourself where you can see around you, talk to whomever then hang up and continue on your journey. It is better to be safe than sorry.

Monday, November 19, 2018

A Happy Safe Monday to you and your family. Enjoy your day and be safe.

Comfort at a cost of our health and that is what we go along with. Yes, it tastes good but your body hates it. Your body is going to fight against it and you will fall down. It happened to me many times. The last time it happened I said to myself no more. I don’t want to feel like that again. Thanksgiving is coming and Harold and I will be cooking. Most of the dishes I cannot eat and I am not going to eat them. Vegetables, meats and salad will be my plate. NO; stuffing, macaroni pie, potato salad, peas and rice, roti, vegetable rice, ice cream and cake. Not one iota is going into my mouth. Friday morning after Thanksgiving, I want to get off of my bed pain free and no sluggishness. Christmas is my next moment to say a big NO to foods that makes me sick.

Sunday, November 18, 2018

I used to hear the statement, “World without end. We will all die and the world will not end.” Look at what is happening in the world today. Man’s greed, jealousy and hatred is destroying life. My father always used to say, “Heaven and hell is right here on this earth.” I believe that is true. Some people are living a heavenly life and some people are living a hellish life. I don’t believe that you can be happy when you hurt, destroy, distress a person, place or thing. You will be held accountable for your actions. When bad things happen to you, you need to reflect about what you did wrong. Correct your blunder, if you can. Some people believe that they can do bad things, ask God for forgiveness, and they will be forgiven. I am not perfect but I try my best not to displease God. Hurting, destroying and distressing are three things that displeases God. We all need to live an honest to goodness life, for our piece of mind. Enjoy your day and be safe.

Saturday, November 17, 2018

Happy Saturday to you and your family. Remember to shut your damn mouth! You don’t have to answer when every dog bark. Do not be like, “The fool (who) takes no delight in understanding, but rather in displaying what he thinks.” (Proverbs 18-2) Have a nice day and be safe.

Friday, November 16, 2018

I hate the word … Secret in all ways possible. I love this statement. Secrets have no place in the company of the king. Patti LaBelle in Green Leaf.
A wonderful safe day to you and your family.

Thursday, November 15, 2018

If a turkey is not marinated/soaked and seasoned hours or days before it is cooked, it smells fresh like a snake. I get turned off by food that smells that way. This is how I prepare my turkey for roasting/frying.
I submerge my turkey in a bucket filled with water that has; 2 cups of lime or lemon juice, 1 cup salt, ½ cup vinegar. Cover the bucket and leave the turkey to marinate/soak for 3 to 4 hours, depending on the weight. While the turkey is marinating/soaking I prepare my seasoning... Blend in vinegar, onion, lots of garlic, cilantro, scallions and ginger. I add salt and black pepper in the seasoning.
Take turkey out of the bucket, put into a bowl, in the kitchen sink and I wash outside and inside of the turkey, plucking out the feathers I find. I put the turkey in a baking pan then I rub the seasoning all over the outside, inside and even under the skin with the blended mixture, covered the baking pan and place it in the refrigerator to marinate/soak. I usually prepare my turkey 4 days before Thanksgiving, so my turkey tastes yummy.

On the news they are talking about salmonella outbreak from turkey. Humans have elevated into a new era and I don’t believe that our systems can handle raw meat.
MEAT! I have seen people take meat out of a pack, sprinkle salt and black pepper over it then start cooking it. Some of them cook it for a very short time 10, 15 or even less minutes. Maybe I go overboard but this is what I saw my mother do. I open my pack of meat, clean it first; taking off the skin and then wash each piece under running water. The meat is then put in some water with vinegar to soak for a minute. I throw out the vinegar water add some water with lime juice, leave it soaking for a minute. Pour out the water add some clean water, pour it out then season. I leave it marinating for an hour then I cook it. Chicken is cooked for 45 minutes. Beef, pork, common fowl and turkey is cooked for 1hr and 30minutes.

Some people hate you if you are rich. Some hate you if you are poor. Money rules the world. Enjoy your day and be safe.

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Another day another story and we are living. Amen and Amen to that. Enjoy your day and be safe.

Brooklyn, NY still have honest to goodness people. Harold forget his tablet in a taxi and the man saw my cell number on it and called me. Without hesitation he brought it to me. He did not charge me, but I paid him for his honest kindness and we were both pleased.

Monday, November 12, 2018

I hope today is a better day for you than yesterday. Enjoy your day and be safe.

I hope today is a better day for you than yesterday. Enjoy your day and be safe.
Back to my sugar, flour and rice situation. I am amazed that I am not diabetic or suffering with high blood pressure. My doctor asked me one day if I ever suffered with high blood pressure. The only time my pressure got elevated was moments after I had Paul and then moments after I had Sarah. When I was in the hospital my blood pressure and glucose level was normal. My sugar, flour and rice situation started when menopause started. I remember hearing my mother and some of her women friends, talk about how they felt while going through menopause. To me although it is a different experience for each one of us, it really traumatizes your body. In 2011 when I was returning from Trinidad, at Piarco Airport my brother Reynold took us to get something to eat before we had to board. I had fried bake and saltfish with a cup of tea that had milk and sugar. After I ate, I suddenly felt sluggish. Although I was walking, my legs felt stiff so I had to will myself not to look lethargic... weary. I know for a fact that your body tells you if it likes or don’t like something you eat. Pay attention to your body and try your best not to eat that thing that makes your body unhappy.

Sunday, November 11, 2018

A Happy safe Sunday to you and your family.
I am on the Ketogenic diet and I feel good. Sugar, flour and rice are a no, no on this diet. These are some of the things you can eat and drink; Squash, zucchini, cauliflower, cucumber, Kim chi, hot link sausage, Kerri gold butter, meat, fish, mozzarella cheese, dry salami, raw pumpkin seed, macadamia nuts, pasticcio, Sour cream, bacon water. La Croix sparkling water.
Listed below are some of the things I eat and drink on the Ketogenic diet. I no longer drink La Croix sparkling water because a chemical used in cockroach insecticide is in it.

(1) Started September 14th, 2018. I had my first meal at dinner.
Dinner --- Steamed salmon, shredded cabbage, sweet pepper, boil ochros.

(2) Breakfast: 2 Eggs Omelet with onion and sweet peppers, fried in EVOO. Mozzarella cheese, dried salami, shredded cabbage, tomatoes, cucumber, and ice-cold water. Snack: Almond nuts, pistachio nuts and La Croix sparkling water. Lunch: Grilled salmon, shredded cabbage, tomatoes and ice-cold water. Dinner: Jerk chicken with shredded cabbage and iced-cold water.

(3) Breakfast: 2 Eggs Omelet with onion and sweet peppers, fried in EVOO. Mozzarella cheese, dried salami, shredded cabbage, tomatoes, cucumber and iced-cold water. Snack: Almond nuts, pistachio nuts, cucumber and iced-cold water. Lunch: Roast pork, shredded cabbage, ochro, squash, zucchini, cucumber, tomatoes, and La Croix sparkling water. Dinner: Roast pork, shredded cabbage, ochro, cucumber and iced-cold water.

(4) Breakfast: One coffee cup full of chicken foot bone broth soup, 2 Eggs Omelet with onion and sweet peppers, fried in EVOO. Mozzarella cheese, dried salami, shredded cabbage, tomatoes and ice-cold water. Snack: Almond nuts, pistachio nuts, cucumber and iced-cold water. Lunch: Broil chicken, Cauliflower riced, stir fried with onions, peas, carrots, sweet peppers, in EVOO, cucumber and La Croix sparkling water. Dinner: Cauliflower riced, stir fried with onions, peas, carrots, sweet peppers, in EVOO. Cucumber, cheddar cheese and iced-cold water.

Saturday, November 10, 2018

Sugar makes my body hurt really bad and it makes me sluggish.

I know how a drug addict feels. Your mind works on you and you fall short. I am a recovering sugar addict. A 5-pound bag of granulated sugar used to last us a week and that was crazy for 4 people. When we realized that granulated sugar was not good, we switched to brown sugar. Brown sugar is still sugar and it does the same thing to my body like granulated sugar. I feel stiff and my muscles hurt. I don’t wish that pain on anybody. For breakfast Harold, Paul and Sarah drank iced cold water with their meals. My breakfast used to be a cup of coffee with evaporated milk, condensed milk, and I would eat any sugary bread; Coffee cake muffin, cinnamon raisin Thomas muffin, cinnamon raisin bagel, pancakes, French toast, or Crix with peanut butter and jelly.
My family drinks water. Every now and then they would have juice or soda. My eating and drinking habits was a different story. The foods I prepared used to have sugar in it. I would make grapefruit juice, lemon, lime or passion fruit juice and it used to be sweet. Although Harold, Paul and Sarah would drink a little juice they would end with a large glass of ice-cold water. I would drink a large glass of juice.
My knees started hurting and used to throw me down. My left leg got stiff and I couldn’t move it. My body used to shake, my left leg used to be stiff and sometimes wobbled. I couldn’t raise it to walk and I used to get Charley Horse very often. An alcoholic cannot smell or drink liquor. Just one drop of sugar can make me relapse. I used to wonder how I was the only one in my family feeling sick, so, I started drinking ice-cold water for breakfast, but was still having any one of the sugary breads. I started to detox myself off sugar and wheat that was hard. I no longer have pain and stiffness. Although I am no longer in pain like a real addict, I would add some honey to my coffee but after I drink it, I would feel tired and shaky. From the moment my family see me they would say, ‘you had something sweet’. I would not answer because that was the truth. It is hard but for the past month, not one iota of sugar goes into my mouth. No pain, stiffness or Charlie Horse. Thanks be to God for Strength and courage.

Image result for chief seattle on death

A wonderful safe Saturday to you and your family. Enjoy the day and be safe.

Friday, November 9, 2018

Happy Friday to you and yours. Enjoy your day and be safe.

For three days we had no television and internet. On Tuesday evening Sarah and Paul asked me about it and I said, “Do you both really need it? I feel we can go some days without it and see how we feel. They said ok. For three nights we had a wonderful time. Shit talk was at its heights. Our time reminded me of my life growing up in Trinidad. Although we had a television, we hardly ever watched it. We used to be out of the house. Liming (hanging out) with friends enjoying life was the norm.

Monday, November 5, 2018

I cannot fix it so I do not worry about it. I pray about it and God hears me. Thank you, God.

A blessed safe Monday to you and your family. Enjoy your day and be safe.

Ps. 52.  Why boastest thou thyself in mischief, O mighty man? the goodness of God endureth continually. The tongue deviseth mischiefs; like a sharp razor, working deceitfully. Thou lovest evil more than good; and lying rather than to speak righteousness. Thou lovest all devouring words, O thou deceitful tongue. God shall likewise destroy thee forever, he shall take thee away, and pluck thee out of thy dwelling place, and root thee out of the land of the living. The righteous also shall see, and fear, and shall laugh at him: Lo, this is the man that made not God his strength; but trusted in the abundance of his riches, and strengthened himself in his wickedness. But I am like a green olive tree in the house of God: I trust in the mercy of God for ever and ever. I will praise thee forever, because thou hast done it: and I will wait on thy name; for it is good before thy saints. Amen.

Sunday, November 4, 2018

Image result for sunday blessings

Saturday, November 3, 2018

Make sure you are registered to vote. Sarah checked and she was not on the list so she had to update her registration. Check it out before it is too late.

Happy Saturday to you. Enjoy your day and be safe. Remember that your friends are not your child/children’s friends. Your children don’t have to chat with them.

Friday, November 2, 2018

White woman harassing two black women is hiding trying to avoid getting locked up.

The Day of the Dead is a Mexican holiday. Family and friends get together to pray and remember their friends and family who died. It is also done to help support their spiritual journey. Rest in Peace.
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Thursday, November 1, 2018

I pray for the souls of my parents, brother Reynold, sisters Maureen and Brenda, my nephew Stuart, friend Ali, all my other relatives and friends who went on to the other world. Rest in Peace.
Image result for all saints and all souls day