Friday, October 19, 2018

Thanks be to God it is Friday and we are living. Amen and amen to that. Enjoy your day and be safe.
If you tell someone you will do a job no charge, do not tell them a price, when the job is completed.
If you ask someone how much it will cost for them to do a job for you and they say, ‘Don’t worry about it, I will do it for you’. After the job is completed then the worker charges you for work done. Pay them and move on. Don’t ask them to work for you again.
Take the person who makes a price and then you sign an agreement. A stranger is the best person you should allow to do work for you. When the work is completed, pay the amount of your agreement. While the person is doing the job do not add on extra work. If you add on, ask your worker how much more money for the work added on. To the worker if the client adds on more work to the job, stop working and tell them you need a new contract. They need to pay you more money. Some people love to add on to work already agreed upon and they don’t want to pay for it.

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