Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Have a wonderful safe day.

The most eerie feeling I ever had in church was more than ten years ago. Today after hearing how people violate and terrorize worshippers is horrendous. Going to church used to be a moment of serenity for me. Today I wonder if it is safe to be in a church. I loved going to church at Holy Cross Church. I sometimes stayed at church for the Spanish, English and Haitian Services. One Sunday morning many years ago, I was dropping Paul and Sarah off to Sunday School. After I dropped them off, I had planned to go and do a little shopping then return in time for the English service. When we arrived at Holy Cross Church, there were two policemen at the entrance and two near the building, where the Sunday School takes place. As we walked in the yard, I asked one of the policemen what was going on. He said that they are just making sure everything was fine. I felt afraid so after I dropped off Paul and Sarah, I went to the Spanish Service. I sat in the congregation very afraid praying that nothing sinister happened. The moment the service was over, I went to the Sunday School classes, got Paul and Sarah then we went home. Trump said that armed guards should be security officers in synagogues. How can you find piece of mind in a place of worship, when men with guns are in your presence? It is horrible to be in church and be terrorized and it is pure madness to have armed guards, in a place of worship. The new world order is horrendous.  

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