Friday, October 5, 2018

Stop fighting and arguing about skin color, who is better than who and know your history. Also, those black people who sometimes trash people from the Caribbean, you don’t know if we are related.
My mother’s great grandfather fought in the war of 1812. He was an African Slave who fought for the British against the USA. Her ancestors are the Huggins, Galloway and many others. In 1816 the Veteran Marines were brought to Trinidad. The 5th and 6th Company settled in separate villages. Some of the villages were named after the companies. The Fifth and Sixth Company villages still retains those names. My mother’s parents lived in Tableland, but I used to hear about relatives in 5th Company, 6th Company and Moruga. I did not know how strong my African roots were until my cousin Wayne, told me some of it. It feels really good to know my heritage.

A Colonial Marine in uniform

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