Monday, October 1, 2018

A blessed safe Monday to you and your family.

On a personal note. Cherish the people in your life. 2018 is turning out to be a remarkable year of letting us know that life is short, embrace it with love and kindness. Most of us meet someone male and or female in life who turns out to be a friend. The friendship sometimes elevates to them becoming your brother or your sister. The both of you are just helpful and kind to each other on your journey through life. Harold’s friend Ali, turned out to be that kind of friend. Yesterday was one of my weirdest days. I got up at 4:30am, went to the bathroom to shower. While in the bathroom around 5am, I heard a sound as though something fell in the living room. I waited and listened, but heard nothing. I took up my cell phone, called Harold’s phone twice but he did not answer. I felt strange so I used the house phone. (Yes, I have a house phone in the bathroom. After 9/11 I needed it.) Harold answered the phone and when I asked about the noise I heard, he said he did not hear anything. We agreed that the sound came from the building next to our building. Around six thirty, Harold left home and about twenty minutes after he left, something fell in the living room. I jumped and I called out to Harold because I thought he was still at home, no answer from him so I got up and checked. The television control was on the floor. My heart started racing. I prayed, “Lord what is this?” Feeling really creeped out I phoned Harold and told him. He said he can’t understand that, he left the control on the couch. An hour later he came home and then his brother called him about 10am and told him Ali died between 5 and 6:30am. Ali was a true friend he was family. I pray that his journey home is safe and trouble free. RIP Ali.

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