Thursday, July 2, 2015

Aloe Vera (Aloes) — for contusion, swelling and burns.

One day I fell down, bruised my knees and I hit my hand. I did not say anything to my parents because they would give me a piece of aloe to swallow. My sister told my mother and she said, “I heard you fell. What part of your body did you hit?”
“I only bruised my knees,” I said.
Although I said that she looked at me closely then she said, “There is a bump on your hand.”
“Yes, but it is not hurting.”
She went outside in the yard, cut a piece of aloe about one inch by two inches, crushed it up, put it in a glass, then handed it to me and said, “Drink this.”
I held the glass and looked at the slimy bitter tasting liquid listening to her say, “Drink it. It will melt the blood clots.”
“Oh gosh wait, wait I will drink it,” I would say then I would hold my nose, put the glass to my mouth and drink. The aloe would slip down my throat leaving a horrible bitter taste in my mouth.
Stories, but true

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