Friday, June 19, 2015

Some of the sad history of Mother Emanuel

The Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church, is known affectionately as Mother Emanuel. It is the oldest AME church in the South. It has a high ceiling, pinewood floor and an antique pipe organ that was shipped from Europe more than 100 years ago. In 1816 Morris Brown was frustrated with the racism he encountered in Charleston’s segregated Churches so he formed his own. About 4,000 parishioners followed him…
Denmark Vesey the organizer of one of the nation’s most notable failed slave uprising was the leader of the church. In 1822 he and other leaders began plotting a rebellion.  A member of the church a slave named George Wilson, told his master about the revolt. Vesey and three dozen organizers were put on trial and executed… Another 60 were banished from the city.
The revolt was planned for June 16 — 193 years plus one day, before the shooting on Wednesday night
South Carolina instituted a number of harsh laws against African American churches and communities. A white pastor must be present during African American church services. Services were conducted in secret for decades and worked as part of the Underground Railroad.
1886 — The church was destroyed by an earthquake.
1909 — Booker T. Washington spoke there.
1962 — Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. Gave a speech about voting rights and making the American Dream a reality. Also Roy Wilkins — Executive secretary of the NAACP.

1969 — Coretta Scott King led a march from Emanuel AME’s steps (Mostly black hospital workers were on strike).

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