Thursday, June 11, 2015

“Do not judge me. I call a spade a spade”

I like people, but I love my race… my group of humans. I grew up in a home of different shades of people. We had very dark, very light and in-between shades, but that wasn’t an issue. I loved them all.
When  a crime takes place the first thing I say, “LORD please. I hope the perpetrator is not a black person.”
Two men broke out of a high security prison and I prayed that they were not black. Thank God they were not. (Although some blacks are in prison for crimes they committed or allegedly committed... There are many of them who are innocent, but that is another story.) 
A PTA president in Brooklyn, New York, stole thousands of dollars from the PTA funds. “Thank God she is not black.”
A man tried to lure a 12 year old girl into his car. The man in the picture is wearing a kippah —hat worn by Jewish men.
When a black person is arrested, for a crime I say out loud, “LORD if he or she is guilty, they need to pay for their offense, but if he or she is not guilty, please let them get the help they need, to be release from the misdeed they are charged with…

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