Friday, June 26, 2015

My father used to say, ‘Each man to his own accord’, I agree with that. I do not pass judgment on anyone.

We were all talking and laughing. It was a really nice evening then someone said, “I am an atheist!”
“Really! So you are a doubter?” one person asked.
“Yeah. I am,” He said.
Another said, “Hmm an agnostic is among us.”
“What do you mean by that?” He said now looking a bit angry.
“She means that you are a nonbeliever in God. Didn’t you just say that? I asked.”
“He looked as though he was about to get very argumentative as he said, “Yeah!”
We all just said okay and continued talking about this and that as we ignored his revelation. Weeks went by and we all kept our usual get-together. No one asked a question about his atheism although we sometimes spoke about it when he was not around. One day when we were all together someone in the group sneeze and the atheist said, “God bless you!” before anyone else.
I opened my eyes wide as I said, “You seriously mean that?”
“A slip of the tongue is no fault of the mind,” He said.
“I am not faulting your mind, but I know God is within,” I said.

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