Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Many women sacrifice their children for their church.

A family friend was a prominent member of a Christian Church. She worked in the Sunday school ministry. Every Sunday after church she would phone me and we would chat about the day’s events. One day she said that her son embarrassed her. The woman in charged of the youth division kicked him out. I was feeling a bit upset because I knew her son and he was not a disrespectful child.
I asked, “Why? What did he do so bad that they had to do that?”
“Miss-so-and-so was serving lunch and she gave them all a pack of juice. He drank his and he asked for another juice, he was told no, but he ignored her, took another juice and drank it.”
“Did everyone in the class have a juice?”
“Yes and there were about 12 packs remaining.”
“She should have pulled him aside and speak to him about disobeying rules.”
I did not see him take the juice, but I heard him say that there are more on the table. Why can’t he have another? It’s like she wants to take them home for her children.” Miss So-and so came to me very angry, stating that she doesn’t like rude children and he is no long allowed in the Sunday school class.
“Did you speak to your pastor about it?” I asked.
“Yes and he said that Miss. So-and-so is in charge and she makes the decisions.”
I hope you took your son home, making it the last day of your attendance at that church?”
“No I cannot leave the church now. They need me to help with the Sunday school.”
Her son is out of the church, she is still a member and we no longer converse.

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