Saturday, June 6, 2015

On a Personal note... The Dollar Devils at it again.

You all know that most of the old folks used to say, “Save something for a rainy day.” We did and these days the rain is pouring buckets. Paul and Sarah graduating, my kitchen sink and bathroom sink pipes and fixtures leaking. A new vanity, kitchen-sink and counter top, is needed. So there goes the rainy day money. On Monday night, I ordered all that was needed from The Home Depot. Everything came up to a little over $1,000 and the payment went through. Tuesday, I got an email that the payment was declined. I called the bank and I was told that THD declined the payment. I wanted to know why a store would refuse money so I phone them. They said that the bank declined the payment so I called the bank again. They said that they were not sure it was me and they put a stop on the payment. I told them I never asked them to do that and I think that they should have called me first. They apologized, assured me that it was okay to go ahead and re-order from THD and I did. Wednesday, again, the payment was declined. I was livid, because this is my money and the dollar devil is stopping me from spending it. I was also wondering if I was in the store shopping, and the casher ring-up my items, a payment decline would be embarrassing. After talking to this and that department, including the fraud department, the money was released for us to purchase the items. It took me three freaking days to spend my money. I could see why the old folks used to run a sou sou/Han or as my Guyanese friends used to call it, Partner, and ignore the bank…

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