Tuesday, June 30, 2015

One side of the story is not the truth.

If you know it is wrong… you have two minds about doing it, don’t do it because the end result is not going to be good.
There are two kinds of people: those who say to God, "Thy will be done," and those to whom God says, "All right, then, have it your way."C. S. Lewis (1898-1963)

A wonderful safe day to you and yours.

Monday, June 29, 2015

East 18th and Albemarle Road.

I called 311 about this tree last year and it is still standing. The scary thing about this cracked up tree, is that pedestrians and traffic goes by frequently… In a nut shell it is in a school zone and lots of children walk by. Yes school is out for many, but Summer school is going to start soon.  

You know what they say about eavesdroppers but I wasn’t eavesdropping.

I just walked by and I heard Paul say, “That is the kind of shit mom does do.”
“You are so right. She really does do shit like that,” Sarah said.
I stopped and said, “What are you all talking about?”
“This mother said to her children that the housekeeper was coming to clean and they need to clean up. The children were complaining that the housekeeper was coming to clean so why do they have to clean?
“Not because the housekeeper is coming to clean, you should leave your home in disarray,” I said.
“You are paying them to clean. The woman made her children help her clean and when the housekeeper arrived the house was clean. She had nothing to do,” Paul said.
“I would not clean the house perfectly. I would leave something for her to do.”
“That is not true. When we were in Trinidad, Grandma’s housekeeper was coming and you had us cleaning. You even mopped the floors. Do you remember that?” Sarah asked.
“I was wondering what was wrong with you,” Paul said.
I started, to laugh as I walked away.

Sunday, June 28, 2015

I Love Pope Francis

People who manufacture weapons or invest in weapons industries are hypocrites if they call themselves Christian. Pope Francis.

“If you trust only men you have lost,” Pope Francis.

“Duplicity is the currency of today… they say one thing and do another.” Pope Francis.
Sunday 28, June 2015. The year is skating by very quickly. As my father used to say, “Time waits on no man.”
I wish you all the good things that life has to offer and remember; “Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake." - Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821) 

Friday, June 26, 2015

My father used to say, ‘Each man to his own accord’, I agree with that. I do not pass judgment on anyone.

We were all talking and laughing. It was a really nice evening then someone said, “I am an atheist!”
“Really! So you are a doubter?” one person asked.
“Yeah. I am,” He said.
Another said, “Hmm an agnostic is among us.”
“What do you mean by that?” He said now looking a bit angry.
“She means that you are a nonbeliever in God. Didn’t you just say that? I asked.”
“He looked as though he was about to get very argumentative as he said, “Yeah!”
We all just said okay and continued talking about this and that as we ignored his revelation. Weeks went by and we all kept our usual get-together. No one asked a question about his atheism although we sometimes spoke about it when he was not around. One day when we were all together someone in the group sneeze and the atheist said, “God bless you!” before anyone else.
I opened my eyes wide as I said, “You seriously mean that?”
“A slip of the tongue is no fault of the mind,” He said.
“I am not faulting your mind, but I know God is within,” I said.

Thursday, June 25, 2015

To God be the glory.

18 years ago today, Sarah was born. She was the child that I was told would be mentally disabled and I should abort. I was scared, but her dad said, “Stop worrying. Do you want an abortion?” I said no, I will accept the baby God is going to give me. “Then God is going to fix him or her,” he said.
God did and Sarah graduated high school and she is entering college in September.

Happy Birthday Sarah. I wish you all the good things that life has to offer. Love you so much.

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

After working at his night job, a man goes home, takes a shower, have breakfast then heads to his second job. He usually arrives one hour and fifteen minutes early. When he gets to his cubicle, he would set his alarm for one hour, puts both hands on his desk, head on his hands and sleep. When the alarm goes off he gets up, go to the rest room, wash his face, brush his teeth then go back to his office to start work.
One morning he arrived at work and he started his usual routine. While he was asleep his boss came into his cubicle and shouted, “Marcus! You know we have a no sleeping on the job policy!”
He raised his head, made the sign of the cross as he said, “In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit! Amen. Is the rule also for praying?”
“Sorry. Wilma said that you were sleeping.”

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

I posted this a few weeks ago and hear we go again. One (there could be more) out of the hundreds locked up on Rikers Island, is a Trinbagonian. My father used to say, ‘Heaven and hell is right here on earth, oui!” The black man is experiencing it daily.

I heard that a request has been sent to the courts for the release 200 African American children who are in prison. Guilty or not guilty, they were not given a trial and they are serving time just like Kalief Browder did.  I believe more than 200 African Americans young people are going through this horrible situation. Many mothers and fathers attend church and their children are locked up. All the pastors and priests are anxious about are the tithes… offering… the collection plate.
I heard the New York Mayor talked about Kalief Browder, but I did not hear the Governor say anything about him. Did anybody hear him talk about Kalief? We must never forget Kalief Browder.  
You could always find a Trinbagonian in almost every situation in the world.
Russell Hernandez a Trinidad and Tobago National was held at Rikers Island Prison for 2 years, without being charged because he refused to testify against two members of a gang named Sex Money Murder. These gang members tried to rob him.

Sunday, June 21, 2015

No respect just hate. We shall over come... hmm. When? What day? The BLACK MAN is still marching … Walking to be free. The BLACK MAN is still praying … Praying for justice. Prayer without good works is no prayer at all.

Negroes - Sweet and docile, Meek, humble, and kind: Beware the day - They change their mind. ― Langston Hughes (1902-1967)

A deep dark gruesome sinister secret is lurking in the land. Blood, tears and sweat flowing through the land…

Friday, June 19, 2015

Some of the sad history of Mother Emanuel

The Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church, is known affectionately as Mother Emanuel. It is the oldest AME church in the South. It has a high ceiling, pinewood floor and an antique pipe organ that was shipped from Europe more than 100 years ago. In 1816 Morris Brown was frustrated with the racism he encountered in Charleston’s segregated Churches so he formed his own. About 4,000 parishioners followed him…
Denmark Vesey the organizer of one of the nation’s most notable failed slave uprising was the leader of the church. In 1822 he and other leaders began plotting a rebellion.  A member of the church a slave named George Wilson, told his master about the revolt. Vesey and three dozen organizers were put on trial and executed… Another 60 were banished from the city.
The revolt was planned for June 16 — 193 years plus one day, before the shooting on Wednesday night
South Carolina instituted a number of harsh laws against African American churches and communities. A white pastor must be present during African American church services. Services were conducted in secret for decades and worked as part of the Underground Railroad.
1886 — The church was destroyed by an earthquake.
1909 — Booker T. Washington spoke there.
1962 — Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. Gave a speech about voting rights and making the American Dream a reality. Also Roy Wilkins — Executive secretary of the NAACP.

1969 — Coretta Scott King led a march from Emanuel AME’s steps (Mostly black hospital workers were on strike).

Is. 48:22. There is no peace for the wicked, saith the LORD. I say, Amen and AMEN to that.

Thursday, June 18, 2015

 Negroes - Sweet and docile, Meek, humble, and kind: Beware the day - They change their mind. ― Langston Hughes (1902-1967)
Yesterday a white man walked into Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in South Carolina (the oldest church in the South) sat down and joined in the bible study. While the bible study was going on, he started shooting. 9 were killed including the pastor, State Senator Clementa Pickney. A 5 year old played dead in order to stay alive. A bomb threat was called in after the shooting. Racism is alive and well in the United States of America.
State Senator Clementa Pickney

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

They think they know Jack… hmm, they don’t know Jack. I knew a few people we used to call movaylang (Mauvais Langue) when I was growing up in Trini. One thing I could say about them is that they always speak the truth. When you say they are not being truthful, they always produce the facts. And Jack is a movaylang man in a good freaking way. You go Jack… Nice… Real nice… Oh gosh ah miss Trinbago oui…

Many women sacrifice their children for their church.

A family friend was a prominent member of a Christian Church. She worked in the Sunday school ministry. Every Sunday after church she would phone me and we would chat about the day’s events. One day she said that her son embarrassed her. The woman in charged of the youth division kicked him out. I was feeling a bit upset because I knew her son and he was not a disrespectful child.
I asked, “Why? What did he do so bad that they had to do that?”
“Miss-so-and-so was serving lunch and she gave them all a pack of juice. He drank his and he asked for another juice, he was told no, but he ignored her, took another juice and drank it.”
“Did everyone in the class have a juice?”
“Yes and there were about 12 packs remaining.”
“She should have pulled him aside and speak to him about disobeying rules.”
I did not see him take the juice, but I heard him say that there are more on the table. Why can’t he have another? It’s like she wants to take them home for her children.” Miss So-and so came to me very angry, stating that she doesn’t like rude children and he is no long allowed in the Sunday school class.
“Did you speak to your pastor about it?” I asked.
“Yes and he said that Miss. So-and-so is in charge and she makes the decisions.”
I hope you took your son home, making it the last day of your attendance at that church?”
“No I cannot leave the church now. They need me to help with the Sunday school.”
Her son is out of the church, she is still a member and we no longer converse.

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

There are some parishioners that are humane and some are inhumane.

I am Catholic but a friend invited me to her church (One of the biggest Non-denominational churches in Brooklyn) and I attended, felt uplifted so I used to go religiously. I eventually joined one of the church’s ministries —The Ministry for underprivileged children. They first thing that pissed me off with the ministry was the label ‘SHELTER CHILDREN’, which was used to characterize the children. The second thing that had me in stitches … We picked-up more than ten children from their homes about 10:30am to 12:00pm, arriving back at the church around 12:30pm. The children were put in a room to wait until the church service starts. I looked at some of them and around their mouths looked white and dry. You could tell that they were hungry. As the old Trinbago folks used to say, ‘Empty vessels make the most noise’. The children were acting up and it was a bit of a challenge to stop them. Instead of giving them something to eat, they were taken to the church service which was three hours. Again they were disruptive and were reprimanded by the woman in charge of the ministry. Who said to them, “We will take you back to your home and you would not get anything to eat.” I was upset, but I did not say anything. After church the children were taken to a lunch room. They were given half of a half of a hero sandwich —(4”), A small pack of juice (½ cup). And I looked at one of the women opening small bags of chips and giving 3 children from one pack. I wanted to scream why the hell don’t you give each child a pack of chips!? I looked on, helping where my help was needed, but was praying to God for the time to be over so I could go home. I stopped going to that church… 

Monday, June 15, 2015

The spirit within… Our soul is the voice that speaks to us warning us about situations. Good or bad, pay attention. Remember that the spirit within doesn’t work for adults alone it works for all.

 Paul was 5 years when I got my wake up call and I learned my lesson. When he and Sarah say they don’t want to go to school or out, I do not care if it’s an examination … something very important. I do not send them. The day I got my wake up call was horrible. I ignored all the warnings. The night before, I had a dream about Paul and a boy, fighting on top of a hill. I was walking towards them shouting for them to stop. There was a stream below the hill and they could fall into it. Suddenly they fell on the ground and started to roll down the hill. I ran towards them trying to stop them. The boy stopped but Paul continued tumbling and he fell into the stream. I grabbed onto a branch. As he passed where I was I grabbed him and held on to one of his pants leg then I pulled him. When I woke up the morning, I was scared and I wasn’t sure, if I got him out of the stream. My mind was saying do not send him to school, but I remembered it was his 5th birthday and I was having a party at school for him.
When he woke up he said, “Mom I don’t want to go to school.”
“Why, I am having a party at school for you. Look at all the gift bags and food on the table,” I said.
He looked sad but he said, “Okay.”
He got dressed for school and he looked apprehensive, but I ignored him and we left home. On the way he said, “Mom, my stomach is hurting. I feel sick.”
“Do you want to use the bathroom?” I asked.
“No, but let’s go back home,” he said.
“You do not want to have the party anymore?”
“Let’s have the party then go home,” He said.
“Okay,” I said not remembering the warning signs that something was amiss.
We arrived at PS181, he met his friends and he started playing and having fun. I shook off the uncomfortable feelings I was having.
We had the party. The teacher allowed them to play and it was fun-filled. Paul had a wonderful time. When it was time to leave he told me that he was having fun, so he want to stay in school. I left although my mind was saying, “Take him home with you.” I arrived home and started cleaning up when the phone started to ring. It was Paul’s teacher saying that he fell and the ambulance is on its way. I rushed back to the school. The children in his class started to talk, “Miss Joseph so-and-so tripped Paul. He fell down and he got a big cut on his nose. It was bleeding a lot”
 The teacher told them to be quiet then she and I went to the nurse’s office. Paul was sitting and the nurse had a handful of paper pressed, a little above his nose-bridge between his eyes. When she moved it I was shocked to see a hole and some of the membrane visible. My heart sank because I was warned that something terrible was going to happen. The ambulance came and he was taken to Kings County. The doctors took care of him and he got 10 stitches. I blamed myself for a long time because I got all the warnings signs about that danger of that day… 

Sunday, June 14, 2015

My father used to say, ‘Heaven and hell is right here on earth, oui!” The black man is experiencing it daily.

I heard that a request has been sent to the courts for the release 200 African American children who are in prison. Guilty or not guilty, they were not given a trial and they are serving time just like Kalief Browder did.  I believe more than 200 African Americans young people are going through this horrible situation. Many mothers and fathers attend church and their children are locked up. All the pastors and priests are anxious about are the tithes… offering… the collection plate.

I heard the New York Mayor talked about Kalief Browder, but I did not hear the Governor say anything about him. Did anybody hear him talk about Kalief? We must never forget Kalief Browder

Saturday, June 13, 2015

I am sure every single Trinbagonian growing up in the 60s, 70s, 80s even the 90s ate a hops with deliciousness!

Hops bread and cheese.
Hops bread and Fernleaf butter.
Hops bread and blue band butter.
Hops bread and Golden Ray butter.
Hops bread and lentil peas.
Hops bread and pigeon peas.
Hops bread and red beans.
Hops bread and curry channa.
Hops bread and Trinidad and Tobago Chow mein.
Hops bread and fried shark.
Hops bread and bhaji (spinach).
Hops bread and caraili.
Hops bread and zaboca (Avocado).
Hops bread and Gauva jam. 
Hops bread and black pudding.
Hops bread and peanut butter with butter.
Hops bread and cooking oil with a sprinkle of salt.
Hops bread and real Trinidad and Tobago sugar cake.
Hops bread and touilum. My favorite…
Hops bread and condensed milk.

A happy Saturday to you and yours. A prayer for you.

Is. 35:3-4. Strengthen ye the feeble hands, and confirm the weak knees. Say to the faint-hearted: Take courage, and fear not: behold your God will bring the revenge of recompense: God himself will come and will save you. Amen  

Thursday, June 11, 2015

“Do not judge me. I call a spade a spade”

I like people, but I love my race… my group of humans. I grew up in a home of different shades of people. We had very dark, very light and in-between shades, but that wasn’t an issue. I loved them all.
When  a crime takes place the first thing I say, “LORD please. I hope the perpetrator is not a black person.”
Two men broke out of a high security prison and I prayed that they were not black. Thank God they were not. (Although some blacks are in prison for crimes they committed or allegedly committed... There are many of them who are innocent, but that is another story.) 
A PTA president in Brooklyn, New York, stole thousands of dollars from the PTA funds. “Thank God she is not black.”
A man tried to lure a 12 year old girl into his car. The man in the picture is wearing a kippah —hat worn by Jewish men.
When a black person is arrested, for a crime I say out loud, “LORD if he or she is guilty, they need to pay for their offense, but if he or she is not guilty, please let them get the help they need, to be release from the misdeed they are charged with…

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

A little tip for you … Home remedy

If your legs are cramping or any where on your body, wet a towel in cold water or wrap ice in the towel and put it on the area that is cramping… It stops the cramp instantaneously.

If a hair is in your eye, wet a finger and touch the hair with the wet finger. The hair sticks to the finger.

“Big Hands”

He went to the market with his mother. She walked slowly from stall to stall choosing and buying the provisions she needed. When they got to the lady who sold plums, his mouth watered because the plums looked luscious. He was about to ask his mother to buy some, but she and the vendor suddenly started to converse. They seem to know each other so he stood quietly.
The vendor then asked, “Is this young man your son?”
“Yes, he is my son. His name is Michael.”
“Hi Michael. Take some plums.” He did not move from where he was standing and she kept insisting. The vendor then turned to his mother, “Michael doesn’t like plums?”
“He does. I don’t know why he is acting shy.”
The vendor took up a handful of plums, put it in a bag and handed it to him. He told her thanks then he and his mother moved on, but she whispered, “Why are you so stupid Michael. The lady told you to take some plums and you stood there refusing to take it. That was so embarrassing.”
“Why are you embarrassed? Her hands are bigger than mine.”…

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

This is so heartbreaking. It takes a village and we have to be there for our children. LORD, have mercy. Our children are falling through the cracks. They are the cash register for the system.

At 16, Kalief Browder, was arrested for allegedly stealing a backpack. He was in prison at Rikers Island for 3 years awaiting trial. (Why? He is black and the law is different for N). If he had pleaded guilty for stealing the backpack, he would have been released. He refused, always saying that he did not take the backpack. He was viciously abused by prison guards and prisoners. He tried to commit suicide, and he spent more than 400 days in solitary confinement. In 2013 his case was dismissed. On Saturday Kalief killed himself.
I don’t know this child but my heart breaks for him and his family. My LORD and my God, have mercy on Kalief’s soul. I pray that his journey home is safe and trouble free…
I wonder if the lawmaker, the organization for maintaining law and the people enforcing correct behavior, does sleep peacefully after all the injustice done to law abiding citizens…

Monday, June 8, 2015

Cashew is my favorite fruit… I love cashew nuts.

A handful of cashew nuts … that is the amount we should eat daily... So they say. When I start eating it, my handful is not enough for me so my husband’s handful is the handful. Do not judge me.

Every body is going through something… Every one of us has a story.

Yes you might be a nice person, but a nice person doesn’t help out the neighbor and leave their home undone. Make sure that everything in your home is in order before you extend your hand to your neighbor. Enjoy your day and be safe.

Sunday, June 7, 2015

Happy Sunday to you and yours. Enjoy your day and be safe.

Is. 35:3-4. Strengthen the weak hands, and firm the weak knees. Say to the faint-hearted: Take courage, and fear not: behold your God will bring the revenge of recompense: God himself will come and will save you. Amen.  

Saturday, June 6, 2015

On a Personal note... The Dollar Devils at it again.

You all know that most of the old folks used to say, “Save something for a rainy day.” We did and these days the rain is pouring buckets. Paul and Sarah graduating, my kitchen sink and bathroom sink pipes and fixtures leaking. A new vanity, kitchen-sink and counter top, is needed. So there goes the rainy day money. On Monday night, I ordered all that was needed from The Home Depot. Everything came up to a little over $1,000 and the payment went through. Tuesday, I got an email that the payment was declined. I called the bank and I was told that THD declined the payment. I wanted to know why a store would refuse money so I phone them. They said that the bank declined the payment so I called the bank again. They said that they were not sure it was me and they put a stop on the payment. I told them I never asked them to do that and I think that they should have called me first. They apologized, assured me that it was okay to go ahead and re-order from THD and I did. Wednesday, again, the payment was declined. I was livid, because this is my money and the dollar devil is stopping me from spending it. I was also wondering if I was in the store shopping, and the casher ring-up my items, a payment decline would be embarrassing. After talking to this and that department, including the fraud department, the money was released for us to purchase the items. It took me three freaking days to spend my money. I could see why the old folks used to run a sou sou/Han or as my Guyanese friends used to call it, Partner, and ignore the bank…

Friday, June 5, 2015

When you were taking money from Jack, you should ah remember how mauvais Langue (movaylang) he is. Jack is the best thing since the Bomb and Punch news papers.
One by one the chickens coming home to roost
All those freaking hypocrites bashing gays, but they are having same sex relationships…

Barney Frank (I always love Barney for his honest, to don’t give a damn how you feel, truthfulness) talked about Dennis Hastert and the GOP for their hypocrisy on moral values and gay issues. Barney Frank was referring to the indictment of former Republican Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert who allegedly paid off someone to cover up a homosexual situation he was involved in.
Today is national donut day and all I can say to that is … Nice, real nice. One jelly filled and one original. Enjoy the sweet moment, but do not over do it. Too much sugar is not good.

Thursday, June 4, 2015

One of America’s Shame. Throw away the food if the child did not pay for it. It might be 25 cents or more but it is sometimes hard for some parents to get it.

A lunch lady from Aurora, Colorado elementary school was fired for giving free lunch to 1st graders who could not pay for it. She was supposed to throw away the food and give the children a single slice of cheese on a hamburger bun and a milk.
Last night was an eventful night in NY. One male and three females were shot in Wyandanch, Long Island. Three died and one woman is in stable condition in the hospital.
A brawl on facebook ended up on the street, in BrooklynCrown Heights. Two women were stabbed and Drano was thrown into the faces of many of the women. Six of them were burned in the face and they were taken to Cornell burn unit, NY Presbyterian Hospital.
Facebook …FB what can I say? Thank God Paul and Sarah are not on FB. Paul always says for the amount of shit some people post… FB makes you stupid.

Happy Corpus Christi. I remember my father would wake us up early on Corpus Christi day, take his bag of seeds, peas etc and we all would go to his garden to plant something. Those were some of the sweetest days in my life. Plant something…
Some people eat the bread that the devil kneads and they love it. The only thing that I have to say about that is, “Christ has his followers and the devil has his.”
I don’t know what side you are on. Like my father used to say, “Not everyone who says, ‘Our Father means, OUR FATHER WHO ART IN HEAVEN’ Be on your Ps and Qs, the ungodly walks among us.
A wonderful safe day to you and yours. What your step as you walk and be safe as you travel.

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

"Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity." — Martin Luther King Jr. (1929-1968)
"Against stupidity, the gods themselves contend in vain." — Friedrich von Schiller (1759-1805)
I like to see some animals; lions, tiger cats, elephants, apes, zebras etc. I hate snakes.
I don’t know why some people feel that they have more rights than animals. Why they believe that they can take chances with the animal, challenging it to do something. I also believe that when a wild animal is domesticated there is a point in time when their wildness takes over. Animals should be in there place and we humans should not encroach on them. …  

"Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity." 
Martin Luther King Jr. (1929-1968)
"Against stupidity, the gods themselves contend in vain." - Friedrich von Schiller (1759-1805)
I like to see some animals; lions, tiger cats, elephants, apes, zebras etc. I hate snakes.
I don’t know why some people feel that they have more rights than animals. Why they believe that they can take chances with them… challenging the animal to do something. I also believe that when a wild animal is domesticated there is a point in time when their wildness takes over. Animals should be in there place and we humans should not encroach on them. …  

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

“One is the first rung on the ladder. Do not give up.”

A friend of mine wanted to start a program to help children. She asked me my opinion. I told her that it was a great idea and she should start working on it immediately.
“I don’t know who to ask for help,” She said.
“It is your idea, so don’t ask anyone to help you. Make some flyers and hand them out to all the people you see with children. Even those people who don’t have a child with them.”
She made the flyers and handed out more than one hundred.
Days turned into weeks, and she did not receive any response. One day she told me that she was feeling embarrassed and hurt that no one responded.
I said, “Why are you hurt? Trust that someone will respond … Just be patient.”
I know I probably sounded condescending, but that is how I felt when she spoke to me, and I usually go with my feelings about a situation. Yes, there are times I might be wrong, but in most cases I am on track with my opinions.
The days dragged on until one parent approached her and she accepted the child. Three weeks after the child was in her program, her new grumble was, “It has been weeks since I handed out the flyers and only one child is in my program. I think I should quit.”
“Why quit? More will come!”
“You always say that,” She said.
“And you should start believing it!”
A year later, 75 children are in her program.
My belief in this life is, that “‘One’ is the stepping stone to VICTORY

Monday, June 1, 2015

False words are not only evil in themselves, but they infect the soul with evil. —Socrates (469- 399 BCE)

“A wonderful safe day to you and yours.”

Therefore let us no longer judge one another, but rather judge this, that you should not put a stumbling block or a hindrance in your brother’s way… Romans 14:13