Thursday, December 31, 2015

Once you enter to see the ball drop in NY you have to stay, If you exit you cannot re-enter. Some people were there before 7 this morning. What will the people who stay do if they have to go to the bathroom? Oh drama! 

Happy Old Year’s day to you and yours. Thank God for seeing the last day of 2015.

2016 New Year! New Rules! I believe that you should not listen to anyone. All you need to do is to let go, let your heart do its thing and pay attention.

Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma - which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. — Steve Jobs (1955-2011)

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

An arrest warrant has been issued for Bill Cosby for the alleged sexual assault of Andrea Constand. When this young lady complained about this in 2004, I did not believe it because Bill Cosby was portrayed as a real good guy. My husband said that he believed that he did something to the young lady. I later listened to her and she was believable, but it was Bill Cosby and the story died. Today they story is alive. What a way for his old ass to end the year… 

Lots of drama filtered into 2015 from some of the past years. I listened, heard it all, but did not get a sleepless night over it. Today I thank God for making me see another day.

I wonder how people feel when they lie on you. How do they feel when they see you? How does their heart feel when they talk to you, pretending that they love you and that everything between you is precious?
I know the talkative one gets very anxious wondering if you know so sleepless nights and disturbing days are their crosses to bear. As Trinbago old folks used to say, “A guilty conscience doesn’t need an accuser.” On that note I wish you all a wonderful day before ‘Old Years Day’. Enjoy and be safe.

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

I don't know whether the universe, with its countless galaxies, stars and planets, has a deeper meaning or not, but at the very least, it is clear that we humans who live on this earth face the task of making a happy life for ourselves.  Therefore, it is important to discover what will bring about the greatest degree of happiness… Dalai Lama 

“Just say thanks. It is a prayer of admiration”

“He who rushes from his bed to his business and waiteth not to worship is as foolish as though he had not put on his clothes, or cleansed his face, and as unwise as though he had dashed into battle without arms or armor. Be it ours to bathe in the softly flowing river of communion with God, before the heat of the wilderness and the burden of the day begins to oppress.” At Jesus’ Feet By Doug Batchelor.
I pray that today is a better day for you than yesterday. I also pray that you get strength and courage to face the days ahead. Enjoy your day and be safe.

Monday, December 28, 2015

Feast of the Holy Innocents or Childermas; Holy Innocents’ Day.

This festival is celebrated in some Christian churches on December 28th and other Christian churches on December 29th. It is to commemorate the massacre of the children by King Herod. He wanted to kill the infant Jesus. (Mat. 2:).
In medieval England, children were reminded of the mournfulness of the day by being whipped in bed. This custom continued until the 17the century. A horrible situation. I remember going to church on Innocents day at the Catholic Church to get my toy blessed then we had a party. Today many children will attend the Catholoic Church service with their toys to get them blessed… To me it is a sweet turn around from the massacre and for the abuse children suffered in memory of it…

Sunday, December 27, 2015

“Another day! Another story! Someone else story is worst than yours.”

In the name of God, stop a moment, cease your work, look around you. ― Leo Tolstoy (1828-1910)
If all misfortunes were laid in one common heap whence everyone must take an equal portion, most people would be contented to take their own and depart.Socrates (469- 399 BCE)
And I repeat “If we were all asked to write our troubles on a piece of paper, throw it in a pile then we were told to take one and it will become ours. After reading the one we took, we will throw it back in the pile and try to get the one we threw in.

Enjoy your day and be safe.

Saturday, December 26, 2015

Happy Boxing Day. I hope you got all that your heart’s desired for Christmas… You had some real good family time with your loved ones.

The Place Where You Are Now
by Hafiz
This place where you are right now,
God circled on a map for you.
Wherever your eyes and arms and heart can move Against the earth and the sky,
The Beloved has bowed there—
Our Beloved has bowed there knowing,
You were coming.
I could tell you a priceless secret about Your real worth, dear pilgrim,
But any unkindness to yourself,
Any confusion about others,
Will keep one
From accepting the grace, the love,
The sublime freedom
Divine knowledge always offers to you.

Thursday, December 24, 2015

Happy Christmas Eve to you and yours.

Do not leave your home without saying goodbye. Remember to buy the gift you promised to buy for your child/children even if he or she did something to upset you.
A gift is given for pleasure, to show gratitude and love.  Make your home a happy home.

I wish you strength and courage to face the day. Enjoy it and be safe. 

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Christmas is coming, the geese are getting fat. Please to put a penny in the old man's hat; If you haven't got a penny, a ha'penny will do, If you haven't got a ha'penny then God bless you!

He who has not Christmas in his heart will never find it under a tree.Roy L. Smith (1912-2009)

There's nothing sadder in this world than to awake Christmas morning and not be a child.Erma Bombeck (1927-1996)

Christmas isn't a season. It's a feeling.Edna Ferber (1885-1968)

Christmas waves a magic wand over this world, and behold, everything is softer and more beautiful.Norman Vincent Peale, (1898-1993)  

Monday, December 21, 2015

“Christmas is for Giving and for Forgiving”

The Christmases I remembered, in Trinidad and Tobago, was a beautiful celebration. Every creed and race would get together. It was the time FOR GIVING and the time for FORGIVING.
A feud between you, and your relatives or friends might go on for most of the year, but on Christmas day the feud ends. You visit each other bearing gifts. You apologize, for the nonsense that caused you to stop talking.
You would serve fruit cake, sponge cake, cookies, cheese wafers, cheese curles, nuts, channa—(chick peas), sweetie—(candy) slices of ham, souse, apples, pears and grapes. Drinks would be Rum, Whiskey, beer, wine, rum punch and punch de crème for the adults. Sweet drink—(soda) sorrel and ginger beer for the children.
While you were chatting and enjoying each other’s company, a Parang side might come to your home playing music and singing… And life was the best because everyone was having a merry Christmas.

Sunday, December 20, 2015

Saturday, December 19, 2015

Not everyone who say Our Father mean “Our Father Who Art In Heaven”
A man just rang my doorbell. “Who is it?”
“Miss I would like to have a moment with you to discuss the bible.”
“No,” I said.
“Okay, maybe another time,” He said.
“Do not ring my bell again. There won’t be another time.”

He left but I was wondering if he thought that I am freaking crazy to allow a man that I did not know to come into my home. Some men might be sincere with their Christian standard of living, but some of them use prayers as their crutch to do the unthinkable. I do not give any of them the benefit of the doubt. Yes they talk about God as if they are true Christians but you might just be flabbergasted to see their actions when they are at home or behind closed doors… 
A terrifying situation. Lord, have mercy on children. It is dark when most of them are heading to school and even darker when they are heading home.
On Wednesday, December 16, 2015 a 16-year-old exchange student was on her way to school, in College Point, Queens USA when she was attacked from behind by a man. He groped and slashed her twice on her face with a box cutter. She received a gash from her ear to her throat. I hope they find this horrible man soon.

The Affluenza Kid

Most people would go to jail for driving drunk, crashing the vehicle and also for killing someone. Wealthy Ethan Couch from Texas was giving probation for driving drunk and killing 4 people. His lawyer said that he was suffering from “affluenza” —(Unable to distinguish right from wrong due to his privileged upbringing or he was a rich kid who was less to blame for his crime because his parents didn’t set limits for him) (They would always come up with a freaking disorder when they do a crime).
Judge Jean Boyd agreed with the lawyer and gave Ethan Couch 10 years probation. This judge gave an African American teenager 10 years for punching a man who died.
Ethan Couch lives with his mother and they are both missing. Warrants for their arrest have been issued. 

Friday, December 18, 2015

I am asking for prayer for a very dear family friend… Ali but we call him Nas. He had major heart surgery on Monday. The surgery went well and he is dealing with recovery. I am praying for a full recovery…

Thursday, December 17, 2015

God don’t like ugly and he doesn’t care for pretty.

 Thirty two year old Martin Shkreli—The dollar devil who raised the price of the life saving pill for HIV from $13.50 to $750, was arrested at his Manhattan home this morning by federal agents . God really doesn’t sleep. He does only wear pajamas…

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

When you rise in the morning, give thanks for the light, for your life, for your strength. Give thanks for your food and for the joy of living. If you see no reason to give thanks, the fault lies in yourself. Tecumseh (1768-1813)

A wonderful safe day to you and yours.

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

When something dreadful happened, the old folks in Trinbago used to say, “The devil is busy.” They might have been right, but I do not believe that the devil is busy. I believe that humans are the ones who are busy doing the devil’s work.

“Be happy with who you are and what you have. Enjoy your day and be safe.”

Sunday, December 13, 2015

Happy Sunday to you and yours. Enjoy your day and be safe.

Prov. 3:5-6. Trust in the LORD with all your heart. On your own intelligence rely not; In all your ways be mindful of him, and he will make straight your path. Amen.
Luke 1:37. For nothing shall be impossible with GOD. Amen.
Is. 12:2. Behold, God is my savior, I will deal confidently, and will not fear, because the LORD is my strength, and my praise, and he is become my salvation. Amen.
Is. 56:1. Thus saith the LORD. Keep ye judgment and do justice, for my salvation is near to come and my justice to be revealed. Amen.

Saturday, December 12, 2015

I made Turkey Salad with the last of the turkey. I cut up the turkey in small pieces, diced a small onion, tomatoes, yellow sweet pepper and green sweet pepper then mixed it into the turkey. Mayonnaise was added to some of the salad. We ate it with Crix. Nice. Real nice!

Some men behave as though they are scared to go home. It’s like they are living with a lion. When they see their friend going home, they start to heckle him. It’s like they want their friend’s peaceful home to turn into a lion’s den. Enjoy your day and be safe.

Friday, December 11, 2015

A beautiful rendition of Trinidad and Tobago by the New York Daily News.

I am not surprised. Look at State where this took place.

More than a dozen cadets at the Citadel, The Military College of South Carolina, posted pictures of them wearing hoods looking like Ku Klux Klansmen. They said that they where trying to emulate the ghost of Christmas Past. The Ghost of Christmas Past wore a white robe, a blazing light like a candle flame on its head and it carried a metal cap in the shape of a candle extinguisher.

Thursday, December 10, 2015

This is a very heart breaking situation.

This is a very heartbreaking situation.
Thirteen year old Deandre Bloomfield is in a Staten Island hospital with serious burns.
All Deandre wanted was a friend to accept him. He walks with a limp and was constantly teased and bullied. One of his classmates pretended to be his friend and he invited him over. The so called friend who is also 13, sprayed cologne on Deandre then lit a match into the stream. He suffered second and third-degree burns. The so called friend was arrested.  
We all woke up to the new world order which was created by man. It is so scary because man acts as though he is now getting started. I have to repeat Sarah’s words, “I really do not understand some old people. You know you are on your way out, oh gosh, why won’t you be nicer?”

Enjoy your day and be safe.

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

What I know is that honesty pays very well in the end.

When someone send you to purchase items, on your return you must give them the bill and all the change… Every dime to the last cent. Give it all.
I remember many years ago I worked with an small company. (8 people were on staff and I was a temp.) One morning my boss asked me if I would go out and buy coffee and donuts for them. It was not my duty, outside was bitterly cold and I was upset that he was asking me, but I put on a very nice smile and said, “Sure.” He handed me $100 and a list then told me to get whatever I wanted. I took it put on my coat, went to Dunkin Donuts, bought everything on the list which came up to $5 and change. I did not buy anything for myself because I already had breakfast. When I returned I put the items on a table, give my boss the receipt and the change. He looked at the receipt, counted the change then said thanks. I told him that he was welcome, turned and started to walk towards my desk when he said, “Allison, you can have this.” He had the $94 dollars and change in an outstretched. I turned walked back to him, took the money and said thanks.
After that day he asked me to buy coffee and when I return, I would give him the receipt and the change, but he always said, “Keep the change.” Everyday played out like that with him and I until my assignment was over…
My spirit is disturbed by the arrogant speeches made by some prominent people.
What I have to say is, “There is beauty in everything on the earth. People, animals, trees etc, yet some people spend every moment trying to making it ugly.

Deuteronomy 27:18-19. Cursed is the man who leads the blind astray on the road.” Then the people shall say, “Amen!” Cursed is the man who withholds justice from the foreigner, the fatherless or the widow.” Then all the people shall say. “Amen.”

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

You shall not pollute the land in which you live, for blood pollutes the land, and no atonement can be made for the land for the blood that is shed in it, except by the blood of the one who shed it. Numbers 35:33.

Monday, December 7, 2015

A lazy person carefully teaches their skill to a willing person.

If you are working with someone and they are not doing the task, leaving it for you to do.
Do not get angry, do it!   
When you make a mistake, they will painstakingly show you the right way to do it.
Do not get angry, do it!   
After the job is completed, the boss might praise the lazy person. He or she might accept the compliment.
Do not get angry because the skill you learnt allowed you to do a good job. Be grateful that the boss is pleased. A lazy person is the best teacher you will ever have. One day the skill will come in handy.  
Enjoy your day and be safe.

Saturday, December 5, 2015

Did you ever buy anything from Fingerhut?

I remember in 1994 I met a friend on the #2 Train. It was in October and she and I started talking about Thanksgiving. I told her I was heading to Macy’s to buy a baking pan for my turkey because I was doing the cooking for thanksgiving... Baking the turkey in a foil pan is a real mess. She told me I will get something at Macy’s but check out Fingerhut. She whipped out a catalogue and I started to browse through it. I saw a stainless steel backing pan that had a dripping rack in it. I had two minds about buying it, but I wanted to give her the sale so I bought it. It’s been 21 years and I must say that it was a great purchase. The turkey is always looks good after baking.

Blessed is the giver. Grateful is the receiver but you should know if the charity you are donating too is bona fide.

American Red Cross

President and CEO Marsha J.
Salary for the year was $651,957 
Plus expenses

It is called the March of 
Dimes because
Only a dime for 
Every 1 dollar is given to the
United Way
President Brian 
Receives a $375,000 base salary 
Along with numerous expense benefits.
CEO Caryl M. Stern 
$1,200,000 per year (100k 
Per month) plus all expenses including a ROLLS 
Less than 5 
Cents of your donated dollar goes to the
CEO and owner Mark Curran 
Profits $2.3 million a year.
Goodwill is a 
Very catchy name for his business.
You donate to his business 
And then he sells the items for 
He pays nothing 
For his products and pays his workers minimum wage! 
Nice Guy. 
$0.00 goes to 
Help anyone!
Stop giving to this 
 Instead, give to any of the following
Salvation Army

Commissioner, Todd Bassett 
Receives a small salary of only
$13,000 per year(plus housing) or Managing this $2 billion dollar Organization. 96 percent of donated dollars go 
To the cause.
American Legion

National Commander receives 
 $0.00 zero 
Your donations go to help 
Veterans and their families and youth!
Veterans of Foreign Wars

National Commander receives 
 $0.00 zero 
. Your donations go To help veterans and their families and youth!
Disabled American Veterans

National Commander receives 
 $0.00 zero 
Salary. A
our donations go 
To help 
Veterans and their families and youth!
Military Order of Purple Hearts

National Commander receives a 
$0.00 zero salary
Your donations go 
To help 
Veterans and their families and youth!
The Vietnam Veterans Association
National Commander receives 
 $0.00 zero 
Your donations go 
To help 
Veterans and their families and youth!
Make a Wish:
For children's last 
100% goes to funding trips or 
Special wishes for a dying child.
St. Jude 
Research Hospital
100% goes towards funding and 
Helping Children with Cancer who have no insurance and 
Cannot afford to pay.
McDonald Houses
All monies go to running 
The houses for parents who have critically ill 
Children in the hospital.
100% goes to housing, and feeding 
The families.
Club International
(ONLY $1.00

                                    Please share this with everyone you can.

Friday, December 4, 2015

You go to church religiously. You pray to God asking for forgiveness yet while your neighbor sleeps, you encroach on his/her property, but do you know that Deuteronomy 27:17, says, ‘Cursed be he that removes his neighbor’s landmark. And all the people shall say Amen’. Go and put the landmark where you find it. A wonderful safe day to you and yours.

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Do not get involved with him or her if he or she just ended a relationship.

You know a guy and you like him but he is dating another woman. The woman moved away so you worm your way into his life offering him yourself. He doesn’t love you, but he took what you were offering. You got pregnant and he left and went to meet the woman he loves. He marries her and she has his children. Although you know that he is married, you are waiting and hoping to hear from him. Time goes by and he totally ignores you.
A man fell for you and he marries you, but ever so often you would complain with great fretfulness about your X. He eventually divorced you. Years later another man falls in love with you and marries you, but you are still on the same track… trashing your X with vengeance. After more than ten years you are still talking about this man as though it was yesterday. You are one unhappy soul living a love him so much until I hate him kind of life. You are wasting time not enjoying the life you have. Your X is living life and enjoying it too.
Do not let life pass you by. Live your life and enjoy it too.

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Dis mornin I gone back to mih Trinbago roots because ah vex.

Mih fadda used to say, “All yuh know Val! I like ‘Plain Talk!’ (Straight talk... Truthful words) I does call ah spade ah spade! “Well I is mih fadda chile so mih jus like he!”
I tell all yuh I doh like chain letters! Yesterday somebody message mih ah chain letter. If ah doh send out 10 somebody close to mih go dead. Ah deleted it AND I SAID ‘ OH GOD REVERSE THE CURSE!”
Chain letters are the devil’s own and I do not support the devil. I pray to God… I read my bible from cover to cover and I have never seen any chain letter situations in it! DOH SEND ME NO DAMN CHAIN LETTER! IT IS STUPID AND ANNOYING I WILL DELETE IT AND YOU WILL GO ALONG TOO.

Have a wonderful day and be safe.

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Do you know that it is hard to pay back when you borrow? You did not have it in the first place and when you get it, you have to pay it back and that is an added bill. The loan is going to cause you not to be able to afford what you really want.
If you cannot afford it, it is not the end of the world so do not beg, borrow or steal. Save a dollar a day and before you know it you will be able to afford it.

Have wonderful safe day.

Sunday, November 29, 2015

It doesn’t matter if you use a softer word like radical, fanatic, activist, revolutionary or rebel to describe him or her; when you get down to brass-tacks they are Terrorist! They just want to bully anyone into submission. They love to say that they are doing it in God’s name. What we have to remember is that not everyone who say Our Father mean Our Father who art in heaven. Some mean our father who art in hell.
On Friday November 28th 2015, one day after Thanksgiving, a man armed with an assault rifle went inside a Planned Parenthood and started shooting. A police officer and two civilians were killed. Nine people were also wounded before he surrendered.

Saturday, November 28, 2015

The little things we complain about are stupid!

I hope you are having a wonderful day and if your child, children are still in their bed sleeping, leave them alone. You know where they are. Enjoy your day and be safe.

Thursday, November 26, 2015

My prayer for you:
John 15:7 If you abide in me, and my words abide in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you.
Philippians 4:6 Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.
Mark 11:24 Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.
“Drinking Driving! Road Rage!”
Don’t let those two enemies over take your existence –DRINKING, DRIVING AND THEN ROAD RAGE. Before you succumb to these two evils, think about the people you love and the people who love you. TO YOU, AND YOURS, FROM ME, AND MINES, HAVE A HAPPY, SAFE AND ENJOYABLE THANKSGIVING…
The Turkey is ready.

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

All some people want is a handshake. All some people want is a hug. All some people want is a dollar. All some people want is a hot meal. All some people want is a listening ear. All some people want is kind word. All some people want is a smile. All some people want is love. On this Thanksgiving Eve I pray that you get your hearts’ desire.

Enjoy your day and be safe.

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

I am so very tired of some men standing in a public forum, talking with conviction as though they are speaking the truth.
The media says that they are distorting the truth. Distorting the truth my ass! They are LYING.

Pinocchio’s nose grew when he lied, but he was childlike. These big ass men lie without remorse. It would be astounding if their dick starts to shrink and can no longer stand at attention when a lie spill out of their mouth.

As the old Trinbago folks used to say, ‘They call themselves Christians but they lie like there is no tomorrow’. A false witness will not go unpunished, and whoever pours out lies will perish. Prov. 19:9 Enjoy your day and be safe.

Sunday, November 22, 2015

You are looking for a breakthrough. You are praying for it. Someone with the right connections comes along and offers you the breakthrough. It sounds real good to you but the amount they are offering is not enough. You believe what you have to give is worth more than that. Although there are no other offers, you reject it, with no consideration of the big picture. As the Trinbago old folks used to say, ‘Eat little and live long’.
The big picture is that the person offering you the breakthrough, might be the stepping stone, to your great means for a better life. So when the opportunity of the breakthrough comes along hold on to it. Think about it as a ladder and that is the first rung… 

Happy Sunday to you and yours. Enjoy your day and be safe.

Saturday, November 21, 2015

“I am getting set for Thanksgiving. Marinate/Soak then Season Turkey”

If a turkey is not marinated/soaked and seasoned hours or days before it is cooked, it smells fresh like a snake. I get turned off by food that smells that way. This is how I prepare my turkey for roasting/frying.
I submerges my turkey in a bucket filled with water that has; 2 cups of lime or lemon juice, 1 cup salt, ½ cup vinegar. Cover the bucket and leave the turkey to marinate/soak for 3 to 4 hours, depending on the weight. While the turkey is marinating/soaking I prepare my seasoning... Blend in vinegar, onion, lots of garlic, cilantro, scallions and ginger. I add salt and black pepper in the seasoning.
Take turkey out of the bucket, put into a bowl, in the kitchen sink and I wash outside and inside of the turkey, plucking out the feathers I find. I put the turkey in a baking pan then I rub the seasoning all over the outside, inside and even under the skin with the blended mixture, covered the baking pan and place it in the refrigerator to marinate/soak. I usually prepare my turkey 4 days before Thanksgiving, so my turkey tastes yummy.

Last week a tree fell on a man in Red Hook Brooklyn. He died 2 days later; a tragic situation. Thank God this one was finally cut down.

Friday, November 20, 2015

“What’s up with these freaking stores giving out $10 after you spend a certain amount? Who are they fooling with that shit? After they make millions, give a token back to the needy. How about paying a better salary to your workers?
I just got a phone call from Sears.
A woman said in a very ebullient voice. Can I speak to Allison Joseph.
“Speaking,” I said.
I am calling to let you know that we are adding $10 to your shop your way rewards.”
I wanted to laugh but I said, “Thanks a bunch.”
“You are welcome and feel free to shop in store or on line…
“ Cool,” I said then I started to laugh as the $10 kept floating around in my mind.

The best thing I heard is, T.J.Max, Marshalls and HomeGoods will be closed on Thanksgiving Day.
We sometimes have our point of view about the way someone should handle a situation that they are in, but we really do not know what we will do if we were in it. You really have to be in it to know it. There are times all you need to do is shut up.
A wonderful safe day to you.

Thursday, November 19, 2015

You must be 13 and older to be on FB. In some countries the age is higher.

I get annoyed when I see people post; ‘Be careful what you post on FB. There are children on FB’. First of all you cannot read or you just did not read the rules. Second your little one should not be on FB. Put some order in your home. Let your child be a child and stop trying to grow him or her up faster than life permits.
Enjoy your day and be safe.

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

The best Quotes in the whole wide world”

Humankind has not woven the web of life. We are but one thread within it. Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves. All things are bound together. All things connect. ― Chief Seattle (1780-1866)

Man does not weave this web of life. He is merely a strand of it. Whatever he does to the web, he does to himself. ― Chief Seattle (1780-1866)

All things share the same breath - the beast, the tree, the man... the air shares its spirit with all the life it supports. ― Chief Seattle (1780-1866)

Humans merely share the earth. We can only protect the land, not own it. ― Chief Seattle (1780-1866)

If we do not own the freshness of the air and the sparkle of the water, how can you buy them? ― Chief Seattle (1780-1866)

“The earth does not belong to us. We belong to the earth.” ― Chief Seattle (1780-1866)

“As we are part of the land, you too are part of the land. This earth is precious to us. It is also precious to you. One thing we know: there is only one God. No man, be he Red Man or White man, can be apart. We are brothers after all.” ― Chief Seattle (1780-1866)

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Alfred used to treat his donkey bad. One day, Alfred tied the donkey’s rope around his waist so that the donkey would not run away. He stood preparing a load to put on the donkey’s back. The donkey was calmly eating grass then it looked up at Alfred. For a moment, it kept looking at him.
 “Why de ass are you looking at me?” Alfred asked.
The donkey stared at him then it suddenly started to run at a terrific speed, dragging Alfred over the flat land, up the small hill and then down hill. Alfred was screaming but the donkey kept running. The rope got tangled around a grapefruit tree so the donkey stopped and it looked at Alfred. He was groaning loudly but the donkey kept looking at him as though it was saying to its self, ‘Who is the ass now’. The donkey then bent its head and started eating grass as though nothing was amiss.
Remember to treat your ass good because one day, one day congotay… The longest rope has an end.
Not because a cow butts you, you go stop drinking milk. Take the cow to the butcher…
Do not let people’s attitudes towards you, stop you from doing the things you need to do for yourself.

Enjoy your day and be safe.

Monday, November 16, 2015

Imagine Sarah is heading to school and I had to remind her to be prepared.
Look for an area in school where her phone works and also look for a place where she could hide. LORD, have mercy on the innocent.
Matthew 7:22-23. Many will say to me on that day, “LORD, LORD did we not prophesy in your name, and in your name drive out demons, and in your name perform many miracles?” Then I will tell them plainly, “I never knew you, Away from me, you evildoers!”
They walk among the innocent causing him and her to be labeled as a terrorist, radical, fanatic, activist, revolutionary and a rebel, because you don’t know who-is-who so Peter is going to pay for Paul.

Gone were the days of peace. Life today is made up of many sad and scary circumstances. 
In 2003 Pope John Paul II expressed strong opposition against the war in Iraq. He said that it would be a “defeat for humanity”. He urged world leaders to try to resolve disputes with Iraq diplomatically. Today many are left destitute, heartbroken etc.,
Pope John Paul (1920-2005) was right when he said, “NO TO WAR. War is not always inevitable. It is always a defeat for humanity.” Look at the amount of man made situations which have caused devastation… Daunting!

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Happy Sunday to you and yours! Life is short. Be kind, gentle, loving and sincere!

I don’t know how your day started and how it is progressing … Good or bad say, “Thank you God for making me see another day.” Do not leave your home without saying goodbye. Remember to buy the gift you promised to buy for your child even if he or she did something to upset you.
I wish you strength and courage to face the day. Enjoy it and be safe. 

Saturday, November 14, 2015

Man has made the world very uncomfortable to live in. I have to repeat Sarah’s words, “I really do not understand some old people. You know you are on your way out, oh gosh, why won’t you be nicer?” We all have a spirit of love and hate within us.

There are so many people who are covered with the spirit of contention. The scary thing about it is that they are in a position to devastate the world…
Our life’s journey depends on the spirit we choose to lead us. Do we want to live in peace or uproar? Since I know myself I have come across many controversial people. Today I can count on my fingers how many people I know who are kind, loving and peaceful.
Donald Trump said, “Isn’t it interesting that the tragedy in Paris took place in one of the toughest gun control countries in the world.”
French Ambassador Gerard Araud said, “This message is repugnant in its lack of any human decency. Vulture!”
Ps. 18:14 Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my hearts be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD my strength and my redeemer. 

Friday, November 13, 2015

“So They Call Karma A Bitch”

I believe in karma.
I believe karma is the spirit of a woman.
I believe karma is not a bitch.
I believe she is in our heart, minds and soul.
I believe she gives us a little nudge not to do that wicked thing.
Karma is fate unfolding.
The measure you give; is the measure you receive.
Enjoy your day and be safe.

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Giving up is letting go and letting God.

My brother-in-law, Errol Joseph passed away yesterday. He was ill and during our last conversation he told me that he was tired and he gives up. I prayed with him and it was a peaceful moment. Today I pray that his journey home will be safe and trouble free.

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

I hope you are having a wonderful day and remember if you are wearing black, do not wear white shoes.

“Veterans Day”

Today is Veterans Day in the United States. Every day should be Veterans Day. Special treatment should be given to them on a daily basis yet they have been ignored. They have been treated in the most merciless way after they put their lives in harms way for their country. It is late, but thank God President Obama put and is still putting many helpful things in place for them.

I salute all Veterans and their families. I hope today is a better day for them than yesterday. I pray that they get strength and courage to face the days ahead.

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

November 2015 just started and it is an eventful month.

A 9 year-old girl was attacked and killed by a pit bull in Long Island. The dog eventually released its grip on the child and charged at a cop. It was shot and killed.
Yesterday while I was at home I heard lots of police sirens and helicopters hovering and I knew something real bad happened.
An out of control car on Flatbush Avenue between Albemarle and Regents Road, flipped in the air and landed on a man, killing him. Lord I always say that Flatbush Avenue is a highway. People drive real crazy. 

Monday, November 9, 2015

Guns, guns, guns.

3 people shot in Midtown, Manhattan near Penn Station… 8 Avenue and West 35th  Street. 1 dead and 2 wounded.  
So what’s new? When you are out, be on your Ps and Qs because the gun slingers are out… Scary.
So they talk about you. They trash you. Don’t respond! Ignore them and they will start talking about someone else. Remember; ‘Never wrestle in mud with a pig. You get dirty and the pig likes it’. ― George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950)

Have a wonderful safe day.

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Happy Sunday to you and yours.

Life really doesn’t care how you feel or what you do; just like time it goes on so speak good things, do good things, live your life and enjoy the precious moments.

Saturday, November 7, 2015

“The First Man I Detested”

When I was a child growing up in Trinbago, I used to sit in our yard under a tree. We had a Portugal —(A fruit of the citrus family) tree, two avocado —zaboca trees, a governor plum tree —(a small round purple in color fruit which must be rolled and squeeze in the hand to soften, to get the sweetness and flavor) and a caimite tree —(a milky fruit). One day while I was sitting under the caimite tree, I heard some of my friends playing on the street, but I did not join them, I stayed where I was reading and eating fruits. It was a sunny day and one of the neighbors was over a tub washing clothes. She was pregnant and I watch her walked slowly inside the house. A few minutes later I heard a pot spoon hitting a pot. The food she was cooking smelt good. I continued reading so I did not see when she came back to her washing. Suddenly I heard a male voice. It was her husband. “I am home for lunch and you are not finished cooking!” He shouted.
“I’m sorry. The food is finished, let me dish out some for you,” She said in a soft frightened voice as she turned off the pipe, then, slowly walking towards the step to go into the house.
“So you are going to give me raw food!” He said taking off his belt then he started to beat her with it. I was in shock as I watched this woman with one hand up trying to block the blows and the other blocking her belly. He beat her and she begged him to stop, but he didn’t. I was scared and I started to cry. One of my sisters shouted at me to come into the house, but I was glued to the spot. She eventually came and took me inside. Weeks later our neighbor died in childbirth and her husband got married soon after she passed. He was the first man I detested because his actions hurt real bad…
I detest abusive people. I saw a video of a man brutally beating a woman. Yesterday I heard that he gave up himself at the Arouca police station, Trinidad. The abused woman refused to press charges and was pleading for his release. She is suffering from Stockholm syndrome and Trauma bonds. It is very sad situation.
When you love your abuser you are suffering from Stockholm syndrome and Trauma bonds.
You have empathy…sympathy for him/her. Trauma bonds are stronger in people who grew up in abusive homes because they believe it to be a normal part of life.

Those who give should never remember and those who receive should never forget. —Unknown Author

Thursday, November 5, 2015

I know many people go through this with their children.

Your child asks you to give them your opinion about it and what they should do about a situation they are dealing with. You give them your outlook and how they should handle it. Time goes by and you think that the situation was resolved. They eventually come to you and say, “Do you remember the situation I told you about?”
“Yes. Did everything work out?”
“No I did not do what you told me to do. I did it another way and it did not work out.”
My answer to that is always ‘okay’, but they would say, “Mom I know that I mess-up but please do not say ‘it is okay’.
Then I would say, “Alright.”
“Mom, do not say alright. It is not alright! Say something. I need to fix it as soon as possible… 

“Thank God for making us, see another day. Enjoy your day and be safe.

I know what I am faced with so far as the day is progressing. I don't know what you are faced with, but I hope today is a better day than yesterday, for you… “Thank God for making us see another day. Thank you God for everything... 

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

This is the most beautiful video I have ever seen of Trinidad and Tobago. It made me nostalgic.

This is the Tinbago I know and love and I will always cherish. 

Monday, November 2, 2015

A young man from the neighborhood I grew up in was shot and killed two nights ago. He was at one of the lookouts in Trinidad with a woman. The woman was not harmed. I could be wrong but I believe the killer left her alive so she can live for the rest of her life with the horror of the moment.
My question to my family this morning was, “When a person kills someone does he or she sleep comfortable at nights?”
They all said yes a killer has no remorse. He or she is hell bent on killing and does not care about the life they took.
I disagreed. I believe that they would only get a restful night if the person was not innocent. 

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Best wishes to you and yours on this beautiful Sunday, the first day of November 2015.

Dear God thank you for your blessings. 

Saturday, October 31, 2015

I do not like Halloween so I will not be trick-or-treating. For all the people who will be trick-or treating, I hope you have a safe funfilled enjoyable time.

A Happy Saturday to you and yours. Enjoy and be safe.

“Here we go again. There goes the clock; one hour back at midnight tonight. I do not like it, but I cannot do anything about it. I get up at 4am every morning and I hope I do not wake up at 3am feeling as though it is 4am.

Friday, October 30, 2015

I do not like to see anyone being physically or verbally abuse, but it hurts real bad when I see a man abusing a woman or a child. I know if you like or love someone you will not hurt them so an abuser does not like or love the person he is being cruel to.
If you do not like someone, stay away from them. If you cannot stay away, practice some self control instead of controlling someone.

Thursday, October 29, 2015

WHEREVER YOU ARE, at any time or place in your life, you will get what you need, by doing what you need to do. Others may not like or understand it, but you are on a mission. Your mission is etched into the essence of your being. It is called DNA, Discovering New Altitudes; how else will you know what you can do unless you do it?

Iyanla Vanzant – Faith in the Valley.

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Monday, October 26, 2015

Every word that a mother speaks against her child, it’s like a cut into her/his soul. Iyanla Vanzant.

A School shooting last night.

Guns! Guns! Guns! Humans have no regards for life. The right to keep and bear arms takes America back to the days of the Wild Wild West! School is no longer a safe haven. I hope that going to school doesn’t make gunslingers think that they should have a shootout. It might turn out like High Noon At the O.K. Corral… The shootout in the 1800s which took place in the famous Arizona Territory town of Tombstone.

October 24, 2015 — 1 shot at North Carolina Central University, Durham, North Carolina. The gunman is still at large.
October 1st, 2015 — 10 died and 9 injured — Oregon’s Umpqua Community college, Roseburg, Oregon.
October 9th, 2015 — 1 died. 3 injured — North Arizona University, Flagstaff, Arizona.
October 9th, 2015 — 1 dead 1 injured — Texas Southern University, Huston, Texas.
October 22,  2015 — 1 dead 3 injured State University campus, Nashville, Tennessee.
LORd have mercy. Gun slingers have no regards for life.

Sunday, October 25, 2015

“Quotes I love”
Why should I be unhappy? Every parcel of my being is in full bloom. ― Rumi (1207-1273)

Through Love all that is bitter will be sweet, Through Love all that is copper will be gold, Through Love all dregs will become wine, through Love all pain will turn to medicine. ― Rumi (1207-1273)

Everyone has been made for some particular work, and the desire for that work has been put in every heart. ― Rumi (1207-1273)

Beauty surrounds us, but usually we need to be walking in a garden to know it. ― Rumi (1207-1273)

Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it. ― Rumi (1207-1273)

“Everything in the universe is within you. Ask all from yourself.” ― Rumi (1207-1273)

Happy Sunday to you and yours. A wonderful safe day to you.

“When you do things from your soul, you feel a river moving in you, a joy.” ― Rumi (1207-1273)

Saturday, October 24, 2015

“Quotes I like”
“Be grateful for whoever comes, because each has been sent as a guide from beyond.” ― Rumi (1207-1273)

You wander from room to room. Hunting for the diamond necklace. That is already around your neck! ― Rumi (1207-1273)

You were born with wings, why prefer to crawl through life?” ― Rumi (1207-1273)

“Don't be satisfied with stories, how things have gone with others. Unfold your own myth.” ― Rumi (1207-1273)

“Ignore those that make you fearful and sad, that degrade you back towards disease and death. ― Rumi (1207-1273)

Love and tenderness are qualities of humanity, passion and lust are qualities of animality. ― Rumi (1207-1273)

You suppose you are the trouble but you are the cure. You suppose that you are the lock on the door. But you are the key that opens it. It's too bad that you want to be someone else. You don't see your own face, your own beauty. Yet, no face is more beautiful than yours. ― Rumi (1207-1273)

Love and tenderness are qualities of humanity, passion and lust are qualities of animality. ― Rumi (1207-1273)

In your light I learn how to love. In your beauty, how to make poems. You dance inside my chest where no-one sees you, but sometimes I do, and that sight becomes this art. ― Rumi (1207-1273)