Saturday, December 19, 2015

The Affluenza Kid

Most people would go to jail for driving drunk, crashing the vehicle and also for killing someone. Wealthy Ethan Couch from Texas was giving probation for driving drunk and killing 4 people. His lawyer said that he was suffering from “affluenza” —(Unable to distinguish right from wrong due to his privileged upbringing or he was a rich kid who was less to blame for his crime because his parents didn’t set limits for him) (They would always come up with a freaking disorder when they do a crime).
Judge Jean Boyd agreed with the lawyer and gave Ethan Couch 10 years probation. This judge gave an African American teenager 10 years for punching a man who died.
Ethan Couch lives with his mother and they are both missing. Warrants for their arrest have been issued. 

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