Thursday, December 3, 2015

Do not get involved with him or her if he or she just ended a relationship.

You know a guy and you like him but he is dating another woman. The woman moved away so you worm your way into his life offering him yourself. He doesn’t love you, but he took what you were offering. You got pregnant and he left and went to meet the woman he loves. He marries her and she has his children. Although you know that he is married, you are waiting and hoping to hear from him. Time goes by and he totally ignores you.
A man fell for you and he marries you, but ever so often you would complain with great fretfulness about your X. He eventually divorced you. Years later another man falls in love with you and marries you, but you are still on the same track… trashing your X with vengeance. After more than ten years you are still talking about this man as though it was yesterday. You are one unhappy soul living a love him so much until I hate him kind of life. You are wasting time not enjoying the life you have. Your X is living life and enjoying it too.
Do not let life pass you by. Live your life and enjoy it too.

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