Wednesday, December 9, 2015

What I know is that honesty pays very well in the end.

When someone send you to purchase items, on your return you must give them the bill and all the change… Every dime to the last cent. Give it all.
I remember many years ago I worked with an small company. (8 people were on staff and I was a temp.) One morning my boss asked me if I would go out and buy coffee and donuts for them. It was not my duty, outside was bitterly cold and I was upset that he was asking me, but I put on a very nice smile and said, “Sure.” He handed me $100 and a list then told me to get whatever I wanted. I took it put on my coat, went to Dunkin Donuts, bought everything on the list which came up to $5 and change. I did not buy anything for myself because I already had breakfast. When I returned I put the items on a table, give my boss the receipt and the change. He looked at the receipt, counted the change then said thanks. I told him that he was welcome, turned and started to walk towards my desk when he said, “Allison, you can have this.” He had the $94 dollars and change in an outstretched. I turned walked back to him, took the money and said thanks.
After that day he asked me to buy coffee and when I return, I would give him the receipt and the change, but he always said, “Keep the change.” Everyday played out like that with him and I until my assignment was over…

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