Thursday, November 5, 2015

I know many people go through this with their children.

Your child asks you to give them your opinion about it and what they should do about a situation they are dealing with. You give them your outlook and how they should handle it. Time goes by and you think that the situation was resolved. They eventually come to you and say, “Do you remember the situation I told you about?”
“Yes. Did everything work out?”
“No I did not do what you told me to do. I did it another way and it did not work out.”
My answer to that is always ‘okay’, but they would say, “Mom I know that I mess-up but please do not say ‘it is okay’.
Then I would say, “Alright.”
“Mom, do not say alright. It is not alright! Say something. I need to fix it as soon as possible… 

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