Saturday, July 5, 2014

The worst government Trinidad and Tobago has been faced with. Look at what is happening today.

I remember Trinidad and Tobago in the hands of  Prime Minister Dr. Eric Williams. The best days Trinidad and Tobago has ever seen.
San Juan or as Trinbagonians would say, “Sahwah”, was bad. Very bad. Real criminal activity. Lots of Bad John. Or as we used to say “Ba-John” —(A violent character, one who may have been imprisoned several times. A bully) Dr. Eric Williams cramped the Ba-John’s style. He started The Better Village Program or 10 Days. This program was to better your village —Cleaning and maintenance of the village. All the Ba-Johns were made supervisors and foremen. Those with education were made checkers and time keepers.
The supervisors, foremen, checkers and time keepers worked daily, but a regular worker, worked for 10 days then he/she was off for 10 days.
This program worked well. It stopped all de Ba-John thing. Every Tom, Dick and Harrylal wanted ah 10 days and they got it. In those days Trinidad and Tobago was nice~ Real nice… 

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